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一、引种日本引种历史较早,早在弥生时代就开始了引种。仅1945—1979年,农林水产省引入遗传资源达37451份(包括栽培种、野生种、近缘种),作物数约130种。这些遗传资源的引入,对日本农业的发展起了相当大的作用,特别是对那些育种历史短、基础差的牧草、黑麦草等资源的引入,为日本畜牧业的发展产生了巨大作用。近年,日本又根据国际市场的需要,大力发展花卉,从荷兰引种郁金香等资源,可见日本的引种与育种利用关系十分密切。 First, the introduction of introduction of Japanese earlier history, as early as Yayoi period began introduction. Only in 1945-1979, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries introduced 37,451 genetic resources (including cultivated species, wild species and related species) with about 130 species of crops. The introduction of these genetic resources has played a considerable role in the development of Japan’s agriculture. In particular, the introduction of resources such as forage grass and ryegrass, which have a short history of breeding and poor foundations, has played a significant role in the development of animal husbandry in Japan. In recent years, Japan has vigorously developed its flowers according to the needs of the international market and introduced tulips and other resources from the Netherlands. This shows that the introduction of Japan is closely related to breeding and utilization.
2010年为安徽省高考命题实施新课程方案自主命题的第二年,备受各界关注, 物理试题的课改气息扑面而来, 在考题立意上, 强调注重学生素质与能力的考查,具有较好的选拔功能,考
1 方向比努力更加重要rn物体的运动类型是由初速度和受力分析决定的,因此在审题时还是要抓住两大基础工程,即受力分析与运动分析,这是解决该类问题的方向.