汶川巨震 水泥人心系灾区

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2008年5月12日14:28夯四川省汶川大地震震惊华夏,震惊世界。我们虽然无法与饱受地震灾害磨难的四川水泥界同仁共度危机,但从大地震发生的那一刻起,我们每一分钟都心系与我们相识的、不相识的朋友们——他们是否平安?心系灾区水泥企业——厂房、设备可否完好?还能正常生产吗?国务院抗震救灾总指挥部生产恢复组成员中国水泥协会副秘书长、《中国水泥》杂志社社长庄春来深入震区了解水泥企业灾情,提供了第一手信息:我们还从多种渠道获取了各种消息。我们得知强震无情地夺走了他们亲人、同事的生命:将他们多年呕心沥血经营的水泥企业毁之一旦。变成废墟,灾区水泥业遭受了巨大的损失;同样我们也得知坚强的水泥人在突如其来的、山崩地裂的考验面前没有趴下、没有畏惧,他们不顾个人和亲人的安危。抢救他人生命。维护国家、企业财产。他们很多人只是平凡的角色,在大灾面前却显示了水泥人的坚强与刚毅.他们是顶天立地的英雄;同时不断传来消息使我们得知,经历灾难后的很多水泥企业。一边抗震救灾一边争分夺秒修复受损设施和设备,尽快恢复生产,将地震的损失减到最小,以实际行动投入重建家因的战斗。下面就让我们共同回顾这一段刻骨铭心的日子…… May 12, 2008 14:28 Tamping Sichuan Wenchuan earthquake shocked China and shocked the world. Although we can not share the crisis with the Sichuan cement colleagues who have suffered so hard from the earthquake disaster, every minute of our delightful acquaintance, from the moment of the earthquake, are they friends? Are they safe? Department of the earthquake relief headquarters of the State Council member of the production recovery group China Cement Association Deputy Secretary-General, “China Cement” magazine president Zhuang Chun deep earthquake zone to understand the cement Business disaster, providing first-hand information: We also get a variety of sources from a variety of sources. We learned that the strong earthquake took the lives of their loved ones and colleagues ruthlessly: they destroyed the cement enterprises they had run for years and worked hard for. As a result, the cement industry in the affected area suffered tremendous losses. Similarly, we also learned that the strong cement people did not get down and fearlessly before the test of landslide and ground crack, and they ignored the safety of individuals and their loved ones. Rescue others’ lives. Maintain the country, business property. Many of them are just ordinary people, but they show the strength and fortitude of the cement people before the catastrophe, they are the hero of indomitable spirit, and at the same time, we are constantly informed that we have learned that many cement companies have experienced disaster. While fighting for the sake of earthquake relief time-consuming recovery of damaged facilities and equipment, as soon as possible to resume production, the loss of the earthquake to a minimum, with practical action to rebuild the cause of the fighting. Let’s review together this unforgettable day.
目前,高档、豪华、昂贵的公交车备受青睐,但是不是高技术、昂贵就代表人性化和舒适呢?记者发现,有些高档、昂贵公交车的某些细节设计不够人性化,给乘客带来了很多不便。 At