Control Effect of 80% Nicosulfuron·Atrazine Water-dispersible Granules on Weeds in Spring Maize Fiel

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[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the control effect of different concentrations of 80% nicosulfuron·atrazine water-dispersible granules on weeds in spring maize field. [Method] Maize field was sprayed with 300, 375, 450, 750 g/hm280% nicosulfuron·atrazine water-dispersible granules respectively, with 40 g/L nicosulfuron suspending concentrate and 38% atrazine suspending concentrate as control agents. Artificial weeding and control(CK) plots were set. [Result] Fresh weight control efficiency of 375-750 g/hm280% nicosulfuron·atrazine water-dispersible granules was significantly higher than that of 40 g/L nicosulfuron suspending concentrate and 38% atrazine suspending concentrate; no obvious phytotoxicity symptoms were observed after application of 300-450 g/hm280% nicosulfuron·atrazine waterdispersible granules; 750 g/hm280% nicosulfuron·atrazine water-dispersible granules posed certain impact on the growth of maize seedlings. Compared with control plots, various doses of 80% nicosulfuron·atrazine water-dispersible granules significantly improved the yield of maize. [Conclusion] In the present study, 375-450 g/hm280% nicosulfuron·atrazine water-dispersible granules exhibited high control effect on weeds in maize field and were safe for the growth of maize seedlings. [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the control effect of different concentrations of 80% nicosulfuron · atrazine water-dispersible granules on weeds in spring maize field. [Method] Maize field was sprayed with 300, 375, 450, 750 g / hm 280% nicosulfuron · atrazine water-dispersible granules respectively with 40 g / L nicosulfuron suspending concentrate and 38% atrazine suspending concentrate as control agents. [Result] Fresh weight control efficiency of 375-750 g / hm280% nicosulfuron · atrazine water-dispersible granules was significantly higher than that of 40 g / L nicosulfuron suspending concentrate and 38% atrazine suspending concentrate; no obvious phytotoxicity symptoms were observed after application of 300-450 g / hm280% nicosulfuron · atrazine water dispersible concentrate granules; 750 g / hm 280% nicosulfuron · atrazine water-dispersible granules posed certain impact on the growth of maize seedlings. Compared with control plots, various doses of 80% nicosulfuron · atrazine water-dispersible granules significantly improved yield of maize. [Conclusion] In the present study, 375-450 g / hm280% nicosulfuron · atrazine water-dispersible granules exhibited high control effect on weeds in maize field and were safe for the growth of maize seedlings.
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