1997年10月,正当秋风送爽,丹桂飘香的季节,日本书法家南鹤溪,鸣鹤流的第四代传人,率领日本书法团体——天溪会118人,来到杭州,又转赴绍兴、嵊州,进行了五天的参观访问活动。为“王羲之显彰碑”揭幕,便是这次活动的“重头戏”。这已是天溪会第三次在浙江大地上立碑了。 立碑,不论在中国或日本文化史上,都是用以纪事、颂德的一种重要方式。天溪会的这三次立碑,表达了日本书法家对中国传统书法的崇仰,也记录了中日书法家之间的深情厚谊。
In 1997 October, just as the autumn winds cool, Osamu fragrance season, the Japanese calligrapher South Crane River, the fourth generation descendant of Ming He flow, led the Japanese calligraphy group - Tianxi will be 118 people, came to Hangzhou, and Transfer to Shaoxing, Shengzhou, conducted a five-day visit to the event. As “Wang Xizhi significant monument” unveiled, it is the event’s “highlight.” This is the third time that Tianxi will stand on the earth in Zhejiang. Tombstone, whether in China or Japan’s cultural history, is an important way to record and praise. The three eras of Tianxihui expressed the admiration of Japanese calligraphers for the traditional Chinese calligraphy and the profound friendship between Chinese and Japanese calligraphers.