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有人说:总编是把关的。这话不无道理。但是,在什么环节上把关。我认为:把关要从头把起。什么是头?组稿。这就和厨师做菜一样,掌握火候固然重要,但料选不好,火候再好,也成不了名菜。所以,大凡名厨师都十分重视选料,甚至连油、盐、酱、醋也要考究,指明产地。组稿也一样,一定要心中有数,比如,这个月厂里有几件大事,运行情况如何,何人采写最好,何时发表最佳?要做到这一点,总编思想就得随着厂里的生产经营、精神文明建设等活动的脉搏一起跳动。只有这样,报道才能突 Someone said: The chief editor is checking. This is not unreasonable. However, in what links. I think: check to start from scratch. What is the first draft? This is the same cook and cook, to master the heat is important, but the material is not good, no matter how good the fire, but also become a dish. Therefore, most chefs all attach great importance to the choice of ingredients, and even oil, salt, butter and vinegar should be elegant and indicate the place of origin. For example, there are several major events in the factory this month, how are the operations performed, who is best at writing and when is the best? To achieve this, the editor’s mind must follow the factory The production and management, spiritual civilization and other activities of the pulse beating together. Only in this way, the report can be sudden
FOXP3,a lineage-specific forkhead (FKH) transcription factor,plays essential roles in the development and function of regulatory T cells.However,the DNA-binding
During the development of an embryo,the initiation of the coilinear expression of Hox genes is essential for the proper formation of the anteroposterior body ax
Hypoxia-induced apoptosis plays an important role in cardiovascular diseases. Integrin β3 is one of the main integrin heterodimer receptors on the surface of c