领导重视 密切配合 发挥优势——福安市劳动保障系统做好代收代缴社会保险费工作

来源 :福建劳动和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ewenxj860411
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2001年“两费”移交地税部门征收后,福安市劳动局领导十分重视,与地税局领导密切配合,积极发挥优势,为促进“两费”征收探索了一条有效的新模式。全市共征缴企业养老保险费2350万元,征收失业金230万元,其中劳动就业管理处、社保公司窗口代收代缴养老金325万元,失业保险金3万元。为实现养老保险100%发放和失业人员失业救济金按时足额兑现,奠定了坚实的基础。一、领导重视,形成共识“两费”征缴任务移交地税征收后,我局领导仍然十分重视“两费”的征缴工作,从局一把手到分管领导都继续把这项工作作为日常重要工作来抓,为了尽快解决好下岗职工自谋职业及流动就业者的社会保险费征收工作,局领导经常到就业处和社保公司窗口了解情况,发现问题,立即采取措施解决。针对“两费”征缴移交后,有些同志认为劳动部门应该注重基础管理工 After the collection of the “two charges” in 2001, the labor bureau of Fuan City paid much attention to the leadership of the Inland Revenue Department and worked closely with them to give full play to their advantages and explore an effective new model for the promotion of the “two fees” collection. The city collected a total of 23.5 million yuan of corporate pension insurance, the collection of 2.3 million yuan of unemployment benefits, including labor and employment management office, social security company window collection and payment of pension 3.25 million yuan, 30,000 yuan unemployment insurance. This has laid a solid foundation for the realization of 100% payment of endowment insurance and unemployment benefits for the unemployed on time and in full. First, the leadership attaches importance to the formation of consensus “two fees ” After the collection of land tax levied by the task of collection, the leadership of our bureau still attaches great importance to the “two fees ” collection work, from the leader of the board to the leaders in charge of this work continue to work As an important daily routine, in order to solve as soon as possible the laid-off workers self-employed and migrant workers in the collection of social insurance premiums, bureau leaders often go to the Employment Department and social security company window to understand the situation, identify problems and take immediate measures to resolve. Some comrades think that the labor department should pay attention to the basic management workers
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【摘 要】随着互联网对人们生活的影响力越来越大,计算机已经走进千家万户,社会各阶层对计算机高素质人才的需求量也越来越大。很多高职院校都开设有计算机专业课程,其目的是培养具有一定动手能力、企业满意的复合型技能型人才,本文浅论提升计算机专业课程教学质量的几种方法。  【关键词】高职院校;计算机专业课程;教学质量;方法  计算机是一门融理论和实践于一体的学科,与其它科目的不同在于它很强的实践性,通过计算