A Decade Miracle:Wuxi Sunmarl

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   A decade ago, Wuxi Sunmart was just no name. At that time, few people noticed Jiangsu Snow Leopard Atomiza- tion Pot Industry Limited Company, which was established in early 1998, as it was a small workshop with a registered capital of only RMB 1.6 million. And that is where Wuxi Sunmart's miracle initiated and grew from.
This article will introduce the arbitration and tell the traders how to resolve the disputes by the means of arbitration in China.
D ifferent from that in July 2005, this reform in foreign exchange system happens with different economic environment, historical background and expected appreciation. Participants in the industry sai
On June 25, China-Slovenia Economic and Trade Forum was held in Beijing.
From 1840s, millions of Americans moved to its west, with a cowboy dream. After years of development, the big migration suc- cessfully boosted thc western area of America, and is China now on the same
M exico is the second larg- est producer of silver in the world and is ranked-among: the top 12 coun- tries in terms of production of eighteen types of minerals. It has become one of the most internat
Growth momcnturn re- mained pretty strong in April, as Table i shows, according to the data released by China's National Bu- reau of Statistics (NBS). CPI infla- tion accelerated to 2.8% year-on- year
Nowadays, China has more and more focused Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). From October 2009, more
[摘 要]本文从财务共享管理对集团企业的重要作用出发,分析集团财务共享管控的优点,就如何构建集团财务共事管控新模式进行探讨。  [关键词]企业集团管理 集团财务 财务共事管理    1 集团财务共享管控的产生及相关概念    1.1 集团财务共享管控的发展小史集团财务共享管控起源于上个世纪80年代的西方发达国家,之后逐步得到推广,成为今日众多大型集团企业选用的财务管理模式。集团财务共享管控模式,
随着经济全球化和世界环保浪潮的日益高涨,环境因素在国际贸易中的影响力在不断加大。绿色贸易与绿色贸易壁垒成为人们普遍关注的课题之一,并日益深刻地影响着世界各国贸易的发展。    1 绿色贸易壁垒的实质    绿色贸易壁垒又称绿色壁垒,是指进口国以保护自然资源、生态环境和人类的健康为借口,通过制定苛刻的环境技术标准或采用绿色包装、绿色环境标志、绿色补贴、绿色卫生检疫等手段,以限制或禁止外国的商品进口的
[摘 要]俄罗斯作为我国第一大边贸伙伴,中俄边境贸易在我国边境贸易及申俄贸易中占有重要的地位。随着中俄贸易合作的加强和人民币国际化步伐的加快,在中俄边境贸易中推行本币结算,既是促进中俄两国经济进一步发展的需要,也是中俄双方金融合作向深层次发展的客观要求,时促进入民币区域化更是具有重要的历史和现实意义。  [关键词]中俄本币 结算 推进    中俄本币结算起源于中俄边境贸易的发展需求,改革开放以来