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马克思主义政治经济学平常的教学含有根本的学科原理、更深层次的实践内涵。然而从目前看,在某些要素影响下的政治经济学遇有常态教学的各类困境。例如:学者曲解了原本的学科观点,西方日渐兴起的现代经济学挤占了偏多的理论空间。此外,现今发展表现出来的阶段特性也削减了原有的学科需求。探析教学出路就要注重于根本的经典理论,这种基础上澄清了多样的误解并重设了正确的认知。对于此,有必要解析马克思主义政治经济学现存的教学困境,结合实情摸索更合适的改进出路。 The ordinary teaching of Marxist political economy contains the fundamental discipline principle and deeper practice connotation. However, for the moment, the political economy under the influence of certain factors encounters various difficulties in normal teaching. For example, scholars misinterpreted the original viewpoints of the discipline and modern Western economics, which is gradually emerging in the West, has taken up too much theoretical space. In addition, the stage characteristics exhibited by current developments have also eroded the needs of existing disciplines. It is necessary to pay attention to the fundamental classical theory to explore the outlet of teaching. Based on this, various misunderstandings are clarified and the correct cognition is reset. To this end, it is necessary to analyze the existing teaching dilemma in Marxist political economy and find out a more suitable way to improve in combination with reality.
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