Seismic Velocity Structure and Composition of the Continental Crust of Eastern China

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdfsdffsgf
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On the basis of a one-by-one latitude-longitude grid three-dimensional seismic velocity model, the crustal P-wave velocity structure in eastern China (105-125°E and 18-41°N) is obtained, and a set of geotherms for each grid is established for P-T correction on P-wave velocities. The average depths of sub-crustal layers and their average P-wave velocities of 18 tectonic units in eastern China are exhibited. Our result presents a 32-34 km thick crust beneath eastern China, which is thinner than previous studies, with an average velocity of 6.54 km/s, corresponding to a 5 kg/m3 variation in crustal mean density. The thicker upper but thinner middle and lower crust results in a lower average seismic velocity of eastern China. An intermediate crustal composition with a SiO2 content of 59.7 wt% has been estimated. However, there exists a significant lateral variation in the crustal structures among the tectonic units of eastern China. The structure and composition features of some regions in eastern China in On the basis of a one-by-one latitude-longitude grid three-dimensional seismic velocity model, the crustal P-wave velocity structure in eastern China (105-125 ° E and 18-41 ° N) is obtained, and a set of geotherms for each grid is established for PT correction on P-wave velocities. The average depths of sub-crustal layers and their average P-wave velocities of 18 tectonic units in eastern China are exhibited. Our result presents a 32-34 km thick crust beneath eastern China, which is thinner than previous studies, with an average velocity of 6.54 km / s, corresponding to a 5 kg / m3 variation in crustal mean density. The thicker upper but thinner middle and lower crust results in a lower average seismic An intermediate crustal composition with a SiO2 content of 59.7 wt% has been estimated. However, there exists a significant lateral variation in the crustal structures among the tectonic units of eastern China. The structure and composition features of some regions in eastern China in
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