,Quantum supremacy: some fundamental concepts

来源 :国家科学评论(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyuiyigjghj
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Quantum computation was envisioned by Feynman as a valuable means of solving quantum problems [1].The question is,how do we prove the superiority of quantum computing over classical devices? A common misconception in describing the power of a quantum computer over a classical computer is that quantum bits can be prepared in a superposition of an exponential number of states,which cannot be achieved with classical bits.This statement is certainly true,but it does not tell us,specifically,what problems quantum computers can efficiently solve while classical computers fail to do so.In fact,based exactly on the technique of Feynmans path integral,the output (i.e.transition amplitude) of any quantum circuit can be calculated classically with a polynomial amount of memory (although the temporal cost would be exponential).Therefore any quantum computation can be simulated classically;the key question is about the efficiency.
宋朝写字最出名的数“苏黄米蔡”四大家,“米”就是米芾,人送外号“米癫”。除了有点儿癫狂外,米芾还有恋物癖加洁癖。不过这个神经兮兮的家伙是一全才,文词字画金石器玩无所不好无所不通,堪称奇人。  米芾有严重洁癖,平生从来不用别人用过的东西。米芾曾经当过太常博士,负责皇家宗庙的祭祀事务,祭祀时穿的标准工作服他当然嫌脏,就玩命地洗,连工作服上的花纹都被洗掉了。就为了这个,米芾受到降职处分。  米芾身边总放
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