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来源 :中国邮政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhlinen
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本期主题:爱心包裹为积极搭建小额、透明、便捷、互动的全民公益平台,中国邮政集团公司和中国扶贫基金会确立了战略合作关系,决定将爱心包裹项目长期开展下去。为了让爱心包裹项目成为社会各界参与公益事业的平台,让更多的贫困地区及灾区小学生受益,2010年该项目展开了针对贫困地区和西南旱区、玉树地震灾区小学生的系列关爱行动。活动主题为:小包裹,大爱心。全年活动名称为“2010年全国贫困地区及灾区学生系列关爱行动”。 Current Issue: Loving Care Package In order to actively build a small, transparent, convenient and interactive universal public welfare platform, China Post Group Corporation and China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation have established a strategic and cooperative relationship and decided to extend Loving Care Package Project in the long run. In order to make the loving package project a platform for all walks of life to participate in public welfare undertakings and benefit more poor areas and primary school students in disaster areas, the project launched a series of caring activities aimed at pupils in poverty-stricken areas and the southwest arid and Yushu quake-stricken areas in 2010. Activities theme: small parcels, big love. The annual activity name is “2010 National Poverty Stricken Areas and Series of Students Care”.
许多兵器发明家的发明常常是瞬问的灵感。这种灵感的出现虽然具有偶然性和机遇性,但这种灵感是怎样降临的呢? The invention of many weapons inventors is often the inspi
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进入2月的美国德州大学圣安东尼奥分校校园依然春寒料峭,但一口气读完中文网站上的《论雷锋精神的时代价值》(作者公方彬,《党建》第2期),心底暖融融的。 Into the February
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