One potential superlarge Pb-Zn ore occurrence with Himalayan thermal brine genesis--Wuqia Region, Xi

来源 :中南工业大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiwan88
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The paper focuses on geological and geochemical evidence of thermal brine genesis of Pb-Zn deposits in Wuqia district, Xinjiang. The results suggest that the known Pb-Zn deposits, such as Wulagen, are thermal brine genesis, which is supported by the features of tectonic setting, magma and regional metamorphism, and the characteristics of trace element distribution in strata and redistribution in the ore-forming process, the REE patts and their main parameters of main type ores, the composition features and the source indicators of Pb, S isotopes. Ore-forming conditions of superlarge Pb-Zn deposits studies show that there exists tectonic and sources setting of Jinding-type superlarge Pb-Zn deposits in this area. Five Pb-Zn ore belts and central uplift belts discovered lately have not only confirmed that the genesis of Wulagen Pb-Zn deposits is thermal genesis, but also further proved that there exists tectonic and source setting of Jinding-type superlarge Pb-Zn deposit in the study area. Mineral deposit model was described and prospecting potentiality of superlarge Pb-Zn deposit and their significance were discussed.
“风为百病之长”,其致病广泛,致病形式多样,古人对此有不少治疗方案总结.针灸可调动自身经气以补益驱邪、平衡阴阳,在《针灸大成 · 诸风门 》中总结了多种因风致病的取穴方
目的:探讨在治疗小儿肺炎咳嗽过程中应用中西医结合治疗的效果.方法:筛选78例在2016年11月14日 ~2019年3月23日期间治疗的小儿肺炎咳嗽患者,依据小儿来院治疗的时间分为结合组
摘要:中医药治疗溃疡性结肠炎(UC),在病因病机,治法治则,实验研究方面取得了较大进展。溃疡性结肠炎多以本虚标实为根本,外邪、血瘀、情志等为诱因。中医的治疗多从分期与分型出发。目前的实验结果表明中医药能有效抑制炎症细胞的浸润,起到治疗UC的作用。  关键词:溃疡性结肠炎;病因病机;治法;实验研究  溃疡性结肠炎(UC)是消化系统的常见疑难病,现代医学对UC的病因及发病机制尚不明确。近年来在我国此病
前言 : 肾囊肿在成人男性中最为常见,是由于肾脏的结构异常而造成的.它的发生率会随着年龄的增长而提高,如果只是肾囊肿的话,不会有什么表现,只有当囊肿压迫血管使其闭塞时才