
来源 :兵团建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fuzaifeng
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屯垦戍边,劳武结合,建设边疆,保卫边疆,是党和人民赋予新疆生产建设兵团(简称兵团)的历史使命,也是兵团百万职工群众神圣的职责。今年7月上旬,江泽民总书记视察新疆期间的重要讲话,深刻阐述了新疆经济发展和社会稳定的一系列重大问题,尤其是站在历史发展的高度.从理论与实践结合上,对兵团屯垦戍边事业在国家大局中的地位、作用及今后的发展,作了精辟、系统的论述。这是党的又一个完整、系统论述当代中国屯垦的历史性重要文献。江泽民总书记重要讲话中提出了屯垦理论的重大论断:实行屯垦则西域兴,屯垦废则西域乱;关于把兵团事业放到历史长河中,放到当前国际国内形势发展变化中,放到新疆稳定和发展的大局加以观察;关于兵团在新疆大有可为;关于搞好兵团工作既是搞好新疆工作的一个重要方面,也是关系全国经济发 Settling garrison troops, combining armed forces with armed forces, building frontier areas and defending frontier areas are the historical missions entrusted by the party and the people to the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (hereinafter referred to as “the corps”) and the sacred duties of the 10 million workers and masses of the corps. In early July this year, General Secretary Jiang Zemin inspected the important speech during his visit to Xinjiang and profoundly expounded on a series of major issues concerning the economic development and social stability in Xinjiang, especially on the historical development level. Combining theory with practice, Career in the overall situation of the country, the role and future development, made a brilliant and systematic exposition. This is another complete and systematical account of the historic important document of contemporary Chinese settlement. In his important speech, General Secretary Jiang Zemin put forward a major conclusion on the theory of settlement, that is, if the settlement is practiced, the western region will be prosperous and the settlement and wasteland will be revoked in the western region; on bringing the cause of the corps into a long history, putting it into the current situation of international and domestic developments and stabilizing in Xinjiang And the development of the overall situation to be observed; on the Corps in Xinjiang promising; on Corps do a good job not only an important aspect of work in Xinjiang, but also the relationship between the national economic development