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根据国家经贸委、国家统计局联合印发的《关于授予有关行业协会统计职能并委托有关工作的通知》文件要求,中国电器工业协会从2001年开始正式接受政府委托并承担电工行业的统计工作。三年来在各分会秘书处领导大力支持和分会统计工作部密切配合下,电工行业统计工作逐渐步入正规化、规范化、标准化良性循环的轨道。为了进一步提高电工行业统计年报的报表质量,更好地为政府、行业、企业服务,现将要求各分会上报统计年报的二十三项主要经济指标的解释、工业经济效益评价考核指标体系的内容及工业经济效益综合指数的基本概念、计算公式综合汇总编辑成册,仅供电工行业从事统计工作的人员参考使用。电工行业统计指标的解释参照《机械工业统计指标解释》(2000版)和2001年1月1日起实施的《企业会计制度》,适用范围即“除不对外筹集资金、经营规模较小的企业以及金融保险企业以外,在中华人民共和国境内设立的企业(含公司,下同)执行本制度”。 According to the document jointly issued by the State Economic and Trade Commission and the National Bureau of Statistics, the “Circular on Assigning Statistics Function to Related Industry Associations and Entrusting Relevant Work”, the China Electronics Industry Association formally accepted the government’s entrustment and undertook statistical work in the electrical industry since 2001. Over the past three years, thanks to the strong leadership of the club’s secretariat and the close cooperation of the Statistics Department of the Branch, the statistical work in the electrician industry has gradually entered the track of formalizing, standardizing and standardizing the virtuous circle. In order to further improve the report quality of the statistical annual report of the electrician industry and better serve the government, industries and enterprises, we will now require the branches to report the statistics of the 23 major economic indicators of the statistical annual report and the contents of the evaluation index system of industrial economic benefits And industrial economic benefits of the basic concepts of the composite index, a comprehensive summary of the formula compiled into a book, for the electrical industry engaged in statistical work of personnel reference to use. Explanations for the statistical indicators of the electrician industry refer to “Interpretation of Statistical Indexes for Machinery Industry” (2000 edition) and “Accounting System for Business Enterprises” which came into force on January 1, 2001. The scope of application refers to that “enterprises with a relatively small scale of operation As well as financial insurance companies, enterprises established in the People’s Republic of China (including companies, the same below) to implement this system. ”
迪庆州发电有限责任公司是2004年7月6日通过对原迪庆州电力有限责任公司整体改制实行厂网分离后成立的发电企业,负责迪庆州境内中小型水电站的建设和开发任务。 Diqingzhou
【一】  一曲相思箜篌引,繁花抖落离人泪。  我是夜黎,自我成妖以来守着这座荒墓已有千年,起初我只是长在墓旁的一株桃花树,历经千年风雨幻化成了妖。这里本是个荒凉颓丧之地,因生了这株桃花,反倒增添了一抹亮色。但墓地无故生出一株桃花树,附近村民都当成是不吉利的象征,竟避而远之,连盗墓贼都不愿光顾此地,经常只有我一个人孤零零地坐在树上弹箜篌,久而久之,就和在此地巡逻的鬼卒阿彦混了个脸熟。  “夜黎,你在
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