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利用温室进行西葫芦越冬栽培,弥补了两节期间蔬菜供应的淡季。因而可以取得较高的经济效益。但是由于连作或者栽培管理不当,气候影响致使灰霉病大量发生。轻者引起减产,重者甚至绝收。西葫芦灰霉病由半知菌亚门、葡萄孢属真菌侵染所致,病菌一般先侵染花朵或花托,尔后向果或果柄部发展,后期在果柄、果、花托上出现大量土灰色霉层,果实软腐。病害发生的最适温度为23℃,空气湿度90%以上,温度在2℃~31℃均可发病。温室内持续较高的相对湿度是造成该病发生和蔓延的主导因素。遇有连阴雨雪天,气温低,放风不及时,棚内湿度偏大,低 The use of greenhouses for winter cultivation of zucchini supplements the off-season supply of vegetables during the two sessions. So you can get higher economic benefits. However, climate change has caused a large number of gray mold diseases due to improper cropping or cultivation management. Light caused by the reduction of production, heavy or even overcharged. Botrytis cinerea Botrytis cinerea caused by fungi, botrytis caused by fungi, bacteria generally first invade flowers or receptacle, and then to the fruit or fruit stem Department of development, later in the fruit stalks, fruit, torus appear a lot of soil Gray moldy layer, the fruit soft rot. The optimum temperature for disease occurrence is 23 ℃, the air humidity is over 90%, and the temperature can be onset at 2 ℃ ~ 31 ℃. Continued high relative humidity in the greenhouse is the dominant factor contributing to the occurrence and spread of the disease. In case of rainy days, the temperature is low, the wind is not timely, shed humidity is too large, low