强化科技管理 营造发展优势

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新郑市委、市政府为摆脱经济基础薄弱的先天不足,较早提出科教兴市战略,把改革的思路定位在依靠科技进步、营造市域经济发展优势上来,并不断加大科技体制改革力度和科技管理制度的创新,实践中探索出符合市情的多元驱动科技管理模式。一是实施各级各部门党政领导科技进步目标责任制的决策督导机制;二是实施组织部门抓科技与用人制度相结合的“科技+帽子”约束机制;三是坚持实施总揽科技工作运行载体的科技小星火计划整体推进机制;四是强化市科委“科教兴市”领唱地位,实施科技进步管理创新机 In order to get rid of the inherent deficiency of weak economic foundation, Xinzheng Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government put forward the strategy of rejuvenating the city through science and education as early as possible, positioning the reform mentality on relying on scientific and technological progress and building the advantage of economic development in the urban area, and continuously increasing the reform of science and technology system and the management system of science and technology Innovation in practice to explore in line with the market conditions of multi-driven technology management. First, implement the decision-making and supervision mechanism of the party and government leaders at all levels for the goal of scientific and technological progress; second, implement the “science and technology + hat” restraint mechanism in which the organizational departments should focus on combining science and technology with the employment system; third, insist on implementing the overall science and technology work The carrier of science and technology small spark plan overall promotion mechanism; Fourth, strengthen the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, “Science and Education Xing City ” lead singer status, the implementation of scientific and technological progress management innovation machine
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尾牙指南针:专业机构:全方位营造“体验”氛围,用社会戏剧的方式,激发活动中全部参与者的热情。让大家用相同的经历和参与感悟。这是一个"体验经济 End-of-the-Earth Compas