Model-based robustness testing for avionics-embedded software

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wubaishan
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Robustness testing for safety-critical embedded software is still a challenge in its nascent stages. In this paper, we propose a practical methodology and implement an environment by employing model-based robustness testing for embedded software systems. It is a system-level black-box testing approach in which the fault behaviors of embedded software is triggered with the aid of modelbased fault injection by the support of an executable model-driven hardware-in-loop (HIL) testing environment. The prototype implementation of the robustness testing environment based on the proposed approach is experimentally discussed and illustrated by industrial case studies based on several avionics-embedded software systems. The results show that our proposed and implemented robustness testing method and environment are effective to find more bugs, and reduce burdens of testing engineers to enhance efficiency of testing tasks, especially for testing complex embedded systems. Robustness testing for safety-critical embedded software is still a challenge in its nascent stages. In this paper, we propose a practical methodology and implement an environment by employing model-based robustness testing for embedded software systems. It is a system-level black- box testing approach in which the fault behaviors of embedded software is triggered with the aid of model based fault injection by the support of an executable model-driven hardware-in-loop (HIL) testing environment. The prototype implementation of the robustness testing environment based on the proposed approach is experimentally discussed and illustrated by industrial case studies based on several avionics-embedded software systems. The results show that our proposed and implemented robustness testing method and environment are effective to find more bugs, and reduce burdens of testing engineers to enhance efficiency of testing tasks, especially for testing complex embedded systems.
一、选题的背景:   1978年以来,伴随中国经济的持续高增长,对外贸易也取得了长足的进展,货物贸易额从1978年位居世界第29位,到2004年提升到第3位并保持至今,出口额已经位居世界