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1.-S195柴油机,因喷油泵弹簧下座与柱塞下部接合的切槽磨损,致使柱塞下部小圆头与弹簧下座之间出现间隙(柱塞处于上止点时),造成柴油机功率不足。更换弹簧下座后,故障现象消失。 2.-S195柴油机,因出油阀弹簧弯曲磨损,致使弹簧弹力减小,高压油内漏严重,造成柴油机工作无力。更换出油阀弹簧后,故障现象消失。 3.-S195柴油机,因出油阀密封锥面磨出一道很深的凹槽,致使高压油内漏严重,造成柴油机工作无力。更换出油阀偶件后,故障现象消失。 4.-S195柴油机,因气门调整螺钉松动,致使进气门间隙达到2.8 1.-S195 diesel engine, due to wear under the pump spring seat and the lower part of the plunger groove wear, resulting in a small plunger between the lower part of the gap between the seat and the spring (piston at the top dead center), resulting in diesel engine power insufficient. Replace the spring seat, the failure disappears. 2.-S195 diesel engine, due to the bending of the valve spring wear and tear, resulting in reduced spring elastic, high pressure oil leakage serious, resulting in poor work of the diesel engine. Replace the valve spring, the fault disappears. 3.-S195 diesel engine, due to the sealing valve cone out of a deep groove, resulting in serious leakage of high-pressure oil, resulting in weak work Diesel. Replace the valve after the oil, the fault disappears. 4.-S195 diesel engine, due to valve adjustment screw loose, resulting in intake valve clearance reached 2.8
TunaHAKI中心是为艾滋病孤儿和街头儿童准备的避难所,位于坦桑尼亚的Moshi。TunaHAKI基金会由David和Mary Ryatula于1998年建立,他们也因此拯救了不少儿童。中心为每个儿童提
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“为顾客创造价值”已经成为广为人知的理念、口号和广告词,“顾客就是上帝”被奉为服务经典。然而,经验告诉我们,将理念变为行动和赢利能力是漫长而曲折的过程。 “Create
快乐的夏令营之旅开始了。夏令营里的活动丰富多彩,有专题知识讲座、体能锻炼、登山、做游戏等。其中,令我印象最深的还是那次登山活动。清晨,阳光明媚,风和日丽, Happy sum
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