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我国制造业信息化的开发与应用已有20多年的历史,大家都在评论企业信息化的效果,尤其是ERP,企业信息化效果在世界上无可辩驳的包括ERP系统,为什么在我国成了舆论的焦点?主要由于我国上个世纪90年代以来实施的ERP的情况正像原国家经贸委2001年全国调查报告中指出“:企业信息化建设水平目前处于一般事务处理和简单的信息管理阶段,呈现出“信息孤岛”严重,资源不能共享,信息化建设综合优势发挥不出来……整体效果不明显、不理想……”。2003年中国机械工业联合会根据对166家机械制造企业调查统计结果“管理信息化取得一定进展,行业内多数企业在单项业务方面已实现了计算机管理,如办公、财务、人事、库存等,但MRPⅡ/ERP的应用还不广泛,即便已开始应用,与现代企业管理模式还有脱节,成功率还不够高”。原因何在?从下文中可以分析其原因不是ERP无效,而是没有真正把ERP关键的部分应用起来。 The development and application of manufacturing informatization in our country have been more than 20 years old. Everyone is commenting on the effect of enterprise informatization. Especially ERP, the effect of enterprise informatization is irrefutable in the world including ERP system, and why in our country has become The focus of public opinion? Mainly due to China since the 90s of last century, the implementation of the ERP situation just as the former State Economic and Trade Commission in 2001 pointed out in the national survey: “The level of enterprise information construction is currently in the general transaction and simple information management stage, Showing a ”remote island of information“, resources can not be shared, the comprehensive advantages of information technology can not play out ... ... the overall effect is not obvious, not ideal ... ... ”. In 2003, according to the survey results of 166 machinery manufacturing enterprises, “China Machinery Industry Federation made some progress in management informationization. Most enterprises in the industry have achieved computer management in terms of individual businesses such as office, finance, personnel, inventory, etc. However, The application of MRPⅡ / ERP is not yet widespread, even if it has already started to be applied, it is still out of line with the modern enterprise management mode, and the success rate is still not high enough. ” What is the reason? From below you can analyze the reason is not invalid ERP, but did not really apply the key part of ERP.
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