将此次座谈名为“时差环流”有几层含义。一则是这些学生回国后举办了一个当代艺术展,名为“时差”;二则是座谈中大家多次谈到地域和文化的差异带来的冲击。从概念上说,时差(Time lag)就是两个地区地方时之间的差别。因为随地球自转,一天中太阳东升西落,太阳经过某地天空的最高点时为此地的地方时12点,因此,不同经线上具有不同的地方时。两个时区标准时间(即时区数)相减就是时差,时区的数值大的时间早。比如中国
There are several layers of meanings for this forum called “Time Difference Circulation ”. One is that these students returned to China to hold a contemporary art exhibition entitled “Time Difference ”; and “Second,” we talked many times about the impact of geographical and cultural differences. Conceptually, Time lag is the difference between local times in two regions. Because as the Earth rotates, the sun rises and falls throughout the day, and the place where the sun passes when it passes the highest point of the sky at 12 o’clock, therefore, has different places on different warps. The two time zone standard time (ie, the number of time zone) subtraction is the time difference, the value of the time zone is large earlier. For example, China