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领导人漫画以漫画所特有的幽默讽刺的艺术表现手法来刻画领导人形象,不仅立体突出了领导人在人们心中的形象,而且在幽默自信中阐释了国家政治制度,帮助推动政策的实施,广受大众欢迎。该文分析认为,中外领导人漫画皆普遍存在,且因文化历史渊源不同,表现形式也不同,有以娱乐大众为目的外国漫画,也有以传播政府政治方针为主的中国范例。中国领导人漫画由禁区到逐步开放,体现了新一届领导人执政方式的转变,是开放和亲民的执政转型,是群众路线的贯彻执行,更是社会的一种进步。 The comics of the leaders portray the image of the leader with the humorous and satirical artistic expression unique to comics. They not only give prominence to the image of the leaders in people’s minds, but also explain the national political system in a humorous and confident manner and help to promote the implementation of the policies. Popular by the public. According to the analysis of the article, Chinese and foreign leaders’ comic books are ubiquitous and have different manifestations due to their different historical origins. There are also foreign comic books aimed at entertaining the public, as well as examples of China based on the dissemination of government policies. The comic movement of the Chinese leaders is gradually opening up from the restricted area to the new one and reflects the change of the governing style of the new leader. It is a ruling transition from opening up and closeness to the people. It is the implementation of the mass line and an improvement of society.
棘阿米巴角膜炎是一种难治性、预后严重的角膜感染性疾病[1 ] 。如不能及时给予明确诊断而延误治疗 ,可导致病人失明。本文就 3例误诊的棘阿米巴角膜炎病人进行临床分析 ,现
病例 女 ,14岁。突发四肢抽搐伴意识障碍就诊 ,追问病史 ,病人已有类似病症反复发作 2年余。体检 :神志清 ,对答好 ,双瞳孔不等大 ,对光反应存在 ,右侧眼睑下垂 ,右下肢肌力
A 1 kbit antifuse one time programmable (OTP) memory IP, which is one of the non-volatile memory IPs, was designed and used for power management integrated circ
目的 通过测定病毒性脑炎患者脑脊液中S-100B蛋白及血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)水平,探讨其在病毒性脑炎发病过程中对脑损害的意义.方法 选择42例病毒性脑炎患者(病毒性脑炎组)和同期住院治疗的40例其他疾病患者(对照组),分别进行脑脊液常规、生化及细胞学检查,采用双抗体夹心ABC-ELISA法测定脑脊液中S-100B蛋白及VEGF水平,并进行比较.结果 病毒性脑炎组脑脊液中白细胞数为(0 ~ 5
Objective: To determine the effect of ascorbic acid (AA) on DNA synthesis, intracellular accumulation of ADM and ADM resistance of tumor cell lines.Methods: K56