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党内民主是党的生命,党务公开是党内民主的重要内容。党的十七大提出了尊重党员主体地位,保障党员民主权利,推进党务公开的要求,赋予了基层党建新的历史使命和时代重任。胡锦涛总书记在纪念建党90周年大会上的讲话中强调:要发展党内民主,积极稳妥推进党务公开,保障党员主体地位和民主权利。经过多年的探索与实践,企业的党务公开工作取得了一定的成绩,已经成为基层党组织发展党内民主、加强党内监督、增强党的工作透明度的重要举措,但客观分析,企业党务公开制度化建设还不尽如人意,加强企业党务公开制度化 Inner-party democracy is the life of the party, and the openness of party affairs is an important part of inner-party democracy. The 17th CPC National Congress put forward the requirements of respecting the dominant position of party members, safeguarding the democratic rights of party members and promoting the openness of party affairs, giving the grassroots party a new historic mission and the important task of the times. In his speech at the General Assembly commemorating the 90th anniversary of founding of founding, General Secretary Hu Jintao emphasized: To develop inner-party democracy, we should actively and steadily promote the openness of party affairs and ensure the party members’ main body status and democratic rights. After years of exploration and practice, the party has made some achievements in Party affairs openness. It has become an important measure for grassroots party organizations to develop inner-party democracy, strengthen inner-party supervision, and enhance the transparency of party work. However, objective analysis shows that the openness of party affairs in enterprises The construction of the city is still unsatisfactory and the open institutionalization of the party affairs in enterprises is intensified
每当从电视上看到中央领导同志深入基层,与老百姓一起,促膝谈心,或是人大代表、政协委员在会上积极建言献策,常会想起“中兴伟业,人心为上”这句话。 Whenever I see on tel
邶b埁i   风f叆n ChansondeBei(XIe—VIesi埁cleav .J ._C .)( 3)静j尙n    女n椃 ( 3)LAFILLETRANQUILLE静j尙n犂女n椃其q姫姝 ,sh懕J’attendspr埁sdelaville俟s尙我w彲于y挷城 ch 邶 b 埁 i wind f 叆 n ChansondeBei (XIe-VIesi 埁 cleav .J ._C.) (3) s
达到强调这一目的的方法有很多,如通过话音手段、词汇手段、语法手段,修辞手段等。本文着重论述的是通过语法手段之一──后移来达到强调的效果。 There are many ways to emp
本文拟就语言与文化的关系 ,文化因素对阅读能力的影响以及如何行之有效地进行文化传授等方面展开论述 This article intends to talk about the relationship between lang