Hematological reference values and animal welfare parameters of BALB/C-FMABC (Mus musculus) inoculat

来源 :动物模型与实验医学(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nbywfcom
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Background: Biochemical and hematological parameters are important tools for assessing the physiological profile of vital organs, and can be recorded to create reference values used for clinical diagnosis of diseases. Many research laboratories lack the means to establish their own set of reference parameters for use in their research, and while there are articles in the literature that discuss laboratory parame-ters for healthy BALB/c mice, few studies address the evaluation of these parameters in pathological situations, such as in mice inoculated with Ehrlich tumor.Method: BALB/c-FMABC mice previously inoculated with Ehrlich tumor were main-tained under appropriate conditions. Blood samples were taken for analysis of hema-tological parameters using automated and semi-automated equipment to create a set of the animal welfare parameters for evaluation. Result: Results were obtained for all the hematological parameters for all groups analyzed. These showed: statistically significant differences between the initial and final tumor weight; comparable initial tumour volume and weight; an increase in leu-kocytes in the 7-day group with a characteristic predominance of lymphocytes and neutrophils; statistically significant changes in RDW in the 21-day group and in the welfare parameters in the 28-day group. Conclusion: The study successfully defined and established reference values for he-matological and welfare parameters for all groups analyzed.
Background: Liraglutide, a GLP-1 receptor agonist, has recently been used to treat metabolic syndrome (MS) because of its anti-diabetic and anti-obesity effects
银龙古寨位于荔浦县马岭镇小青山脚下,依山而建。距桂林市中心85公里,与银子岩风景区唇齿相依。  古寨始建于北宋年间,已有1000多年历史,至今仍保存着明清两代时期的建筑。寨内清溪穿流其间,蜿蜒曲折,青砖、灰瓦、古老的寨门、牌坊见证了古寨悠久的历史。走在光滑的青石板路上,享受着古寨的那份古朴、恬静与清幽,让记忆穿过千年时光隧道,去寻觅历史的痕迹。散落在村头寨角的碑牌、石刻倾述着古寨动人的传说……  