
来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suitky
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最近,笔者来到贵州省铜仁军分区作战指挥中心,一场现代战争条件下的支前演练正在进行。随着13台显示器荧屏上画面不断切换,作战参谋打开计算机,进入战备管理系统,鼠标轻点,辖区内战备资料全部呈现在眼前,网络控制中心、指挥自动化系统立即进行决策处置,全区10个县(市、特区)人武部战备的相关图文信息通过刚络系统尽收眼底,值班首长司令员雷动楚正通过可视电话和现场大屏幕下达命令。 Recently, I came to the Operational Command Center of Tongren Army in Guizhou Province and a pre-war exercise under the conditions of modern warfare is under way. As the screen of 13 monitors changed continuously, the operational staff turned on the computer and entered the battle management system. The mouse clicked and all the information about the combat readiness in the jurisdiction appeared in front of us. The network control center and the command automation system immediately made decision-making and disposal. The relevant graphic and textual information of the armed forces of the armed forces in the counties (cities and special administrative regions) made full use of the system of Ganglu network. The commander-in-chief Commander Chu was thundering through the videophones and the on-site big screen.
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