与“狼”共舞更显英雄本色 “深圳万佳”构造中国特色的大型综合性超市

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改革开放推动卞中国流通领域的改革和经营方式的革命,在传统百货发生深刻变革的同时,国外大的流通产业和先进的经营方式也开始进入中国,形成了目前中国流通领域多种经营形式并存的局面。对此;有专家概括为这样几种形式:一是以美国沃尔玛、法国家乐福为代表、以“大卖场”为特征的“欧美式”,实行低价位战略,走量贩式经营路线;二是以吉之岛、佳世客为代表的“日本式”,由多层楼面组咸,一般可以做到5-6层,以一楼(一般是地下室)做生鲜超市,从一楼往上做传统百货;三是以万客隆、台湾的大润发为代表、把仓储店与大型综合超市结合在一起的“结合式”;四是以深圳万佳为代表、将现代超市与传统百货有机结合的“中国式”。 Reform and opening up promote the reform of Bian China’s circulation and the revolutionary mode of operation. As profound changes have taken place in traditional department stores, the large circulation industries and advanced management modes in foreign countries have also started to enter China, creating the coexistence of various forms of management in China’s circulation field The situation. In this regard, some experts summed up the following forms: First, Wal-Mart in the United States and Carrefour in France represented the “European and American style” characterized by “hypermarkets”, implemented a low-cost strategy and took the traffic-management route; secondly, The “Japanese style” represented by Jusco and Jusco is composed of multi-storey buildings, which can be 5-6 stories in floor space. Take the first floor (usually the basement) as the fresh supermarket and make the traditional way from the first floor Department store; third is to Makro, Taiwan’s RT-Mart as the representative, the warehouse and large integrated supermarket combined with the “combination”; Fourth, Shenzhen Wanjia as the representative of the modern supermarket and traditional department store organic combination of “ Chinese-style”.
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