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胡适和梁漱溟分别是现代中国西化思潮和文化保守主义思潮的代表人物。本文仅就他们对于中国传统文化的态度作一比较研究,不妥之处,欢迎批评指正。 一 胡适在《新思潮的意义》中曾将五四新文化运动的意义归结为“一种新态度”。他称这种“新态度”为“评判的态度”,并且强调指出,对于中国传统文化五四新文化运动持的也是这种“评判的态度”。 根据胡适的解释,所谓“评判的态度”,如果用德国哲学家尼采的话来表示,就是“重新估定一切价值”,它“含有几种特别的要求”: (一)对于习俗相传下来的制度风俗,要问:“这种制度现在还有存在的价值吗?” (二)对于古代遗传下来的圣贤教训,要问:“这句话在今日还是不错吗?” (三)对于社会上糊涂公认的行为与信仰,都要问:“大家公认的,就不会错了吗?人家这样做,我也该这样做吗?难道没有别样做法比这个更好,更有理,更有益的吗?” Hu Shih and Liang Shuming are the representatives of the currents of Western thought and cultural conservatism in modern China respectively. This article only makes a comparative study on their attitudes toward Chinese traditional culture. It is inappropriate to welcome criticisms and suggestions. In the “significance of the new trend of thought,” Hu Shih summarized the significance of the May Fourth New Culture Movement as “a new attitude.” He called this “new attitude” a “judgmental attitude,” and emphasized that such a “judgmental attitude” holds for the new culture movement of May Fourth Movement of Chinese traditional culture. According to Hu Shih’s explanation, the so-called “attitude of judgment”, if expressed in the words of German philosopher Nietzsche, is “to re-evaluate all values” and it “contains several special requirements”: (1) For the system of traditions Customs, to ask: “Is there still the value of such a system?” (2) For the lessons learned from ancient sages, ask: “Is this sentence still good today?” (C) Recognized behavior and beliefs, have to ask: “Everyone recognized, it will not be wrong? People do so, I should do it? Is not no other way than this better, more rational and more useful? ? ”
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<正> 近年来,国内外关于技术哲学的讨论很多,在我国出现了不少关于技术哲学或技术学的专著,例如邓树增主编的《技术学导论》(上海科学技术文献出版社)、孟宪俊等主编的《科学技术学》(西北电讯工程学院出版社)等。同时国内还译介了不少日本、西欧、美国、苏联等国学者关于技术哲学或技术学的论文和著作,然而令人遗憾的是,无论国内还是国外,关于
有人曾经问我,你懂母爱吗?我默然,因为我发现母爱难懂。母亲,您还记得那次我借同学的MP3回来听时,您生气的样子吗?您扬言如果再带这些东西 Someone once asked me, do you u
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一  在新月地带,毒贩势力猖獗。因为各国警方都加大了打击毒贩的力度,毒贩们为了补充人手,开始接纳各地投奔而来的罪犯。这些罪犯往往身背命案,或是贩毒老手,为人凶狠,毫无顾忌。  不过,为避免混入警方的卧底,进入贩毒集团的新人都要经过严格的筛选。此时,詹姆斯和另两个逃进金三角的罪犯正一起等待着贩毒集团的审查。本来新月地带的毒贩帮派不少,但随着警方的围剿,小帮派逐渐消失,现在最大的帮派只有一个,就是“死
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