Tratment of Liver Fibrosis of Hepatitis B by Interferon-α_1 and Traditional Medicine Preparation

来源 :Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medici | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq271232312
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Objective: To find the effective method of curing liver fibrosis of hepatitis B. Methods: Usinginterferon-al (IFN-al ) and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) preparation to treat the patients with liver fibrosis of hepatitis B and observe the changes of indexes including levels of laminin, precollagen type m, hyaluronicacid, liver puncture, ultrasonography and fibergastroscopy before and after treatment. Results: After 3 monthstreatment, the indexes were lower than those before treatment. There was a significant difference (P < 0. of ).Liver biopsy, ultrasonography and fiber-gastroscopy proved that the liver fibrosis was improved. After 6 monthsthe indexes of the hepatofibrosis, blood albumin and globulin levels showed that the differences between theIFN--effective group and the IFN-ineffective group was significant (P < 0. 001 ). Conclusion: Beneficial effectmight be obtained by using IFN-α1 to suppress the replication of hepatitis B virus and TCM preparation to treatliver fibrosis. Objective: To find the effective method of curing liver fibrosis of hepatitis B. Methods: Using interferon-al (IFN-al) and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) preparation to treat the patients with liver fibrosis of hepatitis B and observe the changes of indexes levels of laminin, precollagen type m, hyaluronicacid, liver puncture, ultrasonography and fibergastroscopy before and after treatment. Results: After 3 month treatment, the indexes were lower than those before treatment. There was a significant difference (P <0. of) After 6 months the indexes of the hepatofibrosis, blood albumin and globulin levels showed that the differences between the IFN- ineffective group and the IFN-ineffective group were significant (P <0 . 001). Conclusion: Beneficial effectmight be obtained by using IFN-α1 to suppress the replication of hepatitis B virus and TCM preparation to treatliver fibrosis.
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