Constructal design for a steam generator based on entransy dissipation extremum principle

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ggf9988998
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Steam generator is optimized by applying entransy dissipation extremum principle and constructal theory and adopting analyti-cal method.The obtained results show that the optimal spacing between adjacent tubes,the mass flow rate of gas and the maximum entransy dissipation rate all depend on the dimensionless diameter of one tube,the dimensionless pressure difference number and the dimensionless length of flow channel of gas.Besides the three dimensionless groups,the optimal numbers of riser tubes and downcomer tubes and their summation all depend on the dimensionless height of one tube.The maximum entransy dissipation rate increases as the pressure difference that drives the gas flowing increases,and as the diameter of one tube and the length of flow channel both decrease.The mean heat flux in the heat transfer process of hot gas grows greatly,and the performance of the system is improved.Compared with the optimal construct with heat transfer rate maximization,the optimal construct with entransy dissipation rate maximization can improved the heat transfer effect of the steam generator more. Steam generator is optimized by applying entransy dissipation extremum principle and constructal theory and adopting analyti-cal method. The obtained results that that the optimal spacing between adjacent tubes, the mass flow rate of gas and the maximum entransy dissipation rate all depend on the dimensionless diameter of one tube, the dimensionless length of flow channel of gas. Besides the three dimensionless groups, the optimal numbers of riser tubes and downcomer tubes and their summation all depend on the dimensionless height of one tube. maximum entransy dissipation rate increases as the pressure difference that drives the gas flowing increases, and as the diameter of one tube and the length of flow channel both decrease. the mean heat flux in the heat transfer process of hot gas grows greatly, and the performance of the system is improved. Compared with the optimal construct with heat transfer rate maximization, the optimal construct wit h entransy dissipation rate maximization can improved the heat transfer effect of the steam generator more.
Objective: To describe the characteristics of spontaneous recovery of homonymous hemianopia (HH). Methods: The authors reviewed medical records of all patients
法国科学家法伯曾做过一个著名的“毛毛虫”实验。这种毛毛虫有一种“跟随”的习性,总是盲目地跟随着前面的毛毛虫走。法伯把若干个毛毛虫放在一个花盆的边缘上,首尾相接,围成一圈,并在花盆周围不到6寸的地方撒上一些毛毛虫爱吃的松针。毛毛虫开始一个接着一个,绕着花盆一圈一圈地走。一连七天七夜,它们终于因为饥饿和精疲力竭而亡。  法伯于是在他的实验笔记上写下了这样一句耐人寻味的话:在那么多毛毛虫当中,只要有一只
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