Facile synthesis of gold nanoplates by thermally reducing AuCl_4~- with aniline

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangtongfeng
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We herein report a one-step,wet-chemical approach to synthesizing gold nanoplates in large quantities via the AuCl_4~-thermal reduction process by aniline,without introducing additional capping agent or suffactant.It is found that the reduction kinetics of AuCl_4~-is greatly altered by varying the initial molar ratio of aniline to AuCl_4~-.Moreover,further investigation reveals that the in- situ formed polyaniline could serve effectively as a capping agent to preferably adsorb the{111}facets of gold crystals during a slow reduction process,directing the formation of gold nanoplates. We herein report a one-step, wet-chemical approach to synthesizing gold nanoplates in large quantities via the AuCl_4 ~ -thermal reduction process by aniline, without introducing additional capping agent or suffactant. It is found that the reduction kinetics of AuCl_4 ~ -is greatly altered by varying the initial molar ratio of aniline to AuCl 4 ~ -Moreover, further investigation reveals that the in- situ formed polyaniline could serve effectively as a capping agent to preferably adsorb the {111} facets of gold crystals during a slow reduction process , directing the formation of gold nanoplates.
在中国金属学会赴欧焦化代表团团长、中国金属学会焦化分会主任委员、鞍山焦化耐火材料设计研究总院院长郑文华同志的带领下 ,于 2 0 0 3年 1 2月 1日至 1 2月 1 1日与德国钢
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