2015年全国两会中,李总理的政府工作报告引起很大关注。对着长达数万字的政府工作报告,有种似曾相识却又恍如隔世的感觉,笔者不禁感慨:“时间上哪儿去了?”。2 014年政府报告仿佛还在眼前,一轮四季更替已经完成,过去一年发生的点点滴滴都已成相册里的记忆。年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同。套用到政府工作报告上:年年岁岁词相似,岁岁年年意不同。感慨是次要的,寻找每年的主要矛盾,才是本文的重点。从哪儿去找主要矛盾呢?看起来,每篇政府工作报告的内容都大差不差,一个模子里刻出来的。有人戏称,政府工作报告千篇一律,第一部分照例
In 2015, the two sessions of the National Assembly, Li’s government work report attracted great attention. In the face of tens of thousands of words of government work report, there is a sense of deja vu but feel like passing away, I can not help feeling: “where’s the time?” The government report of 2014 still seems to be still in sight. A round of four-seasons changeover has been completed. The bit by bit of the past year has become the memory of the album. One year spent similar, each year is different. Apply to the government work report: year-year-old words are similar, the age of the year is different. Emotion is secondary, looking for the main contradiction each year, is the focus of this article. Where did you look for the main contradiction? It seems that the content of each government work report is quite different, a carved out of the mold. Someone joked that the work report of the government is the same, with the first part as usual