Archaeological records of Dadiwan in the past 60 ka and the origin of millet agriculture

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yqmaidou
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This paper reports the recent excavation of Unit Dadiwan06 at the Dadiwan site in Qin’an County, Gansu.A 65 ka chronological framework is established for Dadiwan06 on the basis of absolute dating (AMS 14C and OSL), stratigraphy, climate change events and archaeology.Artifact distributions reveal patterns of human behavioral variation and adaptation over the past 60 ka, from primitive hunting and gathering to advanced hunting and gathering, to primitive Neolithic agriculture, and finally to advanced Neolithic agriculture. This paper reports the recent excavation of Unit Dadiwan06 at the Dadiwan site in Qin’an County, Gansu. A 65 ka chronological framework is established for Dadiwan06 on the basis of absolute dating (AMS 14C and OSL), stratigraphy, climate change events and archeology .Artifact distributions reveal patterns of human behavioral variation and adaptation over the past 60 ka, from primitive hunting and gathering to advanced hunting and gathering, to primitive Neolithic agriculture, and finally to advanced Neolithic agriculture.
一、我国噪声控制工业的发展 我国噪声控制工业的发展经历了萌芽、起步、发展、调整提高等几个阶段。60年代是萌芽阶段,生产厂家只有几个,产品数十种,产值几百万元;70年代是
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