大容量 低噪音

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最近硬盘价格的下降令许多新购置计算机的朋友欣喜,可以肯定,近期15G-20G左右的硬盘会成为市场的主流。不过我们相信,仍然会有相当一部分人可以在几个月内就把这些大硬盘填得满满的。如今,对于这类“胃口”超常的人,有了一个解决办法—Maxtor最新推出的60G的IDE硬盘。 上一期我们曾经为您介绍了Maxtor新推出的7200转的DiamondMax Plus 40系列,不久以后,我们收到了Maxtor 5400转的新品——DiamondMax 60系列。这一系列是面向主流的桌面PC市场的产品,其单碟容量高达15.2G,内部传输速度超过了40MB/S,具备2MB的缓存,采用UDMA66接口。所以尽管此系列硬盘的转速并不突出,可实际效能已经接近了7200转产品。DiamondMax 60系列的容量也创下新高,达到了60GB——你打算用什么软件来填满它呢?如果你 The recent decline in hard disk prices so many new friends happy to buy a computer, to be sure, the recent 15G-20G hard drive will become the mainstream market. However, we believe there will still be quite a few people who can fill these large hard drives in a matter of months. Nowadays, there is a solution for this kind of “appetite” extraordinary person - Maxtor latest 60G IDE hard drive. Previous Issue We introduced you to Maxtor’s new 7200 RPM DiamondMax Plus 40 series and soon we received the new Maxtor 5400 - the DiamondMax 60 Series. This series of products for the mainstream desktop PC market, its single platter capacity of up to 15.2G, the internal transmission speed of more than 40MB / S, with 2MB of cache, UDMA66 interface. So although the speed of this series of hard drives is not prominent, the actual performance has been close to 7,200 transfer products. DiamondMax 60 Series also hit a new high capacity, reaching 60GB - what software do you intend to use it to fill it? If you
Chemical coprecipitation was used to produce ultrafine and easily sinterable Y_2O_3-stabilized and (Y_2O_3,MgO)-stabilized ZrO_2 powders. Six precipitation proc
Sixteen indole derivatives have been computed at B3LYP/6-311G** level using density functional theory (DFT). Based on linear solvation energy theory, the struct
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