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新的形势下,甘肃嘉峪关市安不忘危,治不忘战,坚持抓大事、管方向、定政策、办实事,认真落实党管武装的各项制度,有力地促进了国防建设与经济建设的协调发展。嘉峪关市始终把增强全民“居安思危”的意识,作为提高国防动员能力,落实党管武装的重要内容,在全市广泛深入地开展了国防系列教育活动。他们以各级领导班子和领导干部为重点,将国防教育纳入中心理论学习之中,完善了以政府和军分区为主导,以国防教育基地和学校为场所,以社会和家庭为课堂的全民国防教育体系,实现了国防教育“五个纳入”。即:纳入全民国防宣传教育规划,纳入拥军优属工作,纳入学校教学活动,纳入军分区工作职责,纳入军民共建内容。 In the new situation, the city of Jiayuguan in Gansu Province will not forget the danger and keep the unforgettable war. It persists in grasping the major events, managing the direction, formulating policies and fulfilling practical affairs, conscientiously implements various systems governing the armed forces, and effectively promotes the national defense construction and economic construction The coordinated development. Jiayuguan City always enhances the people’s awareness of “vigilance in peace time” as an important part of enhancing the capability of national defense mobilization and implementing the party’s armed forces. It has conducted a series of extensive national defense education activities throughout the city. They focus on the leading bodies and leading cadres at all levels and include national defense education in the study of central theories. They have perfected the national defense which is dominated by the government and the military partition, bases for national defense education and schools, places the society and families in class Education system, and achieved “five inclusiveness” in national defense education. That is: to include the national defense publicity and education planning, to include the work of supporting the army superiority, to include teaching activities in the school, to include the work duties of the military subregion, and to include the content of military and civilian construction.
1942年9月,在非洲阿拉曼战场上,英军拟定了一个代号为“轻盈”的反攻计划。为了达成战役的突然性,英军对战役准备采取严密的谋略技巧策划和实施。 In September 1942, on th
下面的论述是美国有关战略专家在研究美军最近几场战争的基础上总结出的。过去10多年中存在的趋势很可能会再延续10年。 The following account is made by the relevant U.