
来源 :山西青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ziguangguo
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6月1日,太原公交票价下调后,赢得市民交口称赞,令人诟病的1.5元票价成为历史,干脆利落的1元票(使用IC卡可以打五折)大大方便了乘客出行,省城公交日均客运量增长20%多。然而市民关心的运力紧张、车厢拥挤、车辆晚点等一系列问题却没有得到有效处理。据太原公交控股(集团)有限公司相关负责人透露,太原市现有公交车2300多台,按国家标准,每万人拥有15标台公交车,而现在太原每万人只有8.3标台公交车,远不够满足市民出行需求。据了解到要彻底解决这些难题除了政府加大财政投入、相关单位做好道路规划工作,公交公司也必须严格贯彻各项制度,比如司机准时发车、在公交线内驾驶等等。但是这样的措施并不是今年才开始施行的,为什么市民仍然心怀不满呢。记者体验了乘车难。 June 1, Taiyuan bus fares down to win the public acclaim, it is criticized 1.5 yuan fare into history, crisp and crisp 1 yuan (using the IC card can play 50% off) greatly facilitate passenger travel, the provincial City bus average daily passenger traffic increased by more than 20%. However, the people concerned about the tight capacity, crowded cars, late vehicles and a series of issues have not been effectively addressed. According to the relevant person in charge of Taiyuan Public Transport Holdings (Group) Co., Ltd. revealed that there are over 2,300 buses in Taiyuan city. According to national standards, there are 15 standard buses per 10,000 people, and now Taiyuan only has 8.3 standard buses per 10,000 people , Far enough to meet the travel needs of citizens. It is learned that in order to completely solve these problems, in addition to the government to increase financial input, relevant agencies do a good job in road planning, bus companies must also strictly implement the various systems, such as drivers on time, driving in the bus line and so on. However, such measures are not implemented only this year. Why citizens still have displeasure? Reporter experience difficult ride.
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