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国务院发展研究中心市场研究所副所长陈淮撰文认为,促进增长的财政政策应当承担战略性职能:承担改革成本,改善社会经济预期。与市场经济发达国家相区别,影响中国社会经济预期的主要因素并非是单纯的景气循环以及通货膨胀、通货紧缩的交替,而是对改革代价的担心。 从现实情况看,至少对以下若干方面的转轨成本仍缺乏明确的制度安排:一是有偿解除劳动合同的代价。计划经济体制下的那些国有职工如果不能在劳动关系上退出国有经济系统,国有经济的转轨改造实际上是不可能完成的;二是完善社会保障体系的代价;三是化解银行不良资产 According to Chen Huai, deputy director of the Market Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council, financial policies for growth should assume the strategic function of undertaking the cost of reform and improving socio-economic expectations. The main factor that differentiates China from the developed market economy is not simply the cycle of prosperity and the alternation of inflation and deflation, but the fear of the reform cost. From the reality, at least the following aspects of the transition costs still lack of clear institutional arrangements: First, pay the price of dismissal of labor contracts. If the state-owned workers under the planned economy can not withdraw from the state-owned economic system on the basis of labor relations, the transformation and transformation of the state-owned economy are virtually impossible to complete; second, the cost of improving the social security system; and third, the solution of the banks’ non-performing assets
在中国,为医院服务的独立实验室不完全是市场化产物,而要受到各地区的政策限制。迪安凭什么能越走越远? In China, independent laboratories serving the hospital are not
一味的强制推行绩效考核,医院的担心顾虑很多,主管部门怎么评价,医院院长怎么操作,如何出台细则等将是一系列需要提前破解的难题。 Blindly mandatory performance appraisa
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财政部  2 0 0 1年 12月 12日 财综 [2 0 0 1]85号  为进一步完善彩票管理制度 ,强化对彩票发行与销售机构 (以下简称彩票机构 )的财务监督 ,规范彩票资金管理 ,促进彩票