
来源 :建筑材料工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hejiankimi
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建筑工程部直属九江水泥船试验厂,从1962年12月份开始了装配式钢筋混凝土趸船的试制工作,经过四个多月的努力,在今年4月15日试制成功了我国第一艘装配式钢筋混凝土趸船。这艘趸船,长35米,宽9.6米,深2.8米,装载吃水1.2米,全船除船底板整体浇灌混凝土外,其余艏艉封板、纵横隔舱壁,舷侧傍板、甲板等都是预制的钢筋混凝土构件,共划分为96块。最大预制件的重量为3.52吨,由拼装电焊接缝钢筋、捣制混凝土联接而成。根据设计要求,这艘趸船的成型工艺比较复杂,技术要求很高。可是,九江水泥船试验厂 The Ministry of Construction and Engineering was directly subordinated to the Jiujiang Cement Ship Pilot Plant. Since December 1962, the trial production of fabricated reinforced concrete barges began. After more than four months of hard work, China’s first fabricated steel bar was successfully tested on April 15 this year. Concrete barge. This barge is 35 meters long, 9.6 meters wide and 2.8 meters deep. It is loaded with 1.2 meters of draught. The whole ship removes concrete from the floor of the ship, and the remaining stern covers, crossbar bulkheads, sideboards, decks, etc. It is a prefabricated reinforced concrete component, divided into 96 blocks. The weight of the largest prefabricated piece is 3.52 tons. It is made by assembling electric welding seam reinforcement and ramming concrete. According to the design requirements, the molding process of this barge is more complicated and technically demanding. However, Jiujiang Cement Ship Pilot Plant
more不只是many和much的比较级,而且可以表示additional(另外的,附加的)的意思。例如:He studied the maps a few more minutes.他把地图又研究了几分钟。There are twenty m
2013年,他的绘本出版,销量上万,在京东首页被列为强档推荐。那些早就在豆瓣火了很久的插画,在微信朋友圈流传,被读者追捧为“史上最温暖的绘本”。直到今天,他的插图还在韩寒的“一个”App当中,屡屡现身。  因为插画上的“By:CHOP”字样,他成了粉丝口中的“排骨”。戴着黑框眼镜的低调厦门男生,两年多来总是逃不过记者的追问——“你为什么喜欢画画?”从一开始冠冕堂皇的回答,到如今,直接言明,“别再问
本文把多层多跨,架的计算,利用近似的计算简图分力二种简单刚架,并设计成 电模拟计算机。计算机以电压表示力矩,电阻表示线刚度。其特点是简单灵巧,准确度 高,造价低,许多设计院已在
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4月1日,在G20伦敦峰会(详见P18)召开前,中法发布新闻公报,决定适时举行高层接 On April 1st, before the G20 London Summit (see P18 for details), China and France issu
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2. 半孔垂直均匀荷重(見图4) M_p=-1/2 R_1R_2qsin~2φ N_p=R~1qsin~2φ V_p=-R_1q sinφcosφ(1)弹性中心处M_o等于全孔垂直均匀荷重时M_o值的1/2。(2)弹性中心处H_o等于全