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目的:了解南京市全科规范化培训学员的心理健康现状。方法:采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对2018年10月至2019年5月参加南京医科大学第二附属医院全科理论培训的184名全科学员进行调查,并将结果分别与全国常模、江苏省常模、全国医生及江苏省医学生常模进行比较。结果:全科规范化培训学员SCL-90量表阳性率为26.3%(47/179)。与全国常模比较,本研究中学员敌对因子得分高于常模(n t=4.863),焦虑(n t=-9.853)、恐怖(n t=-8.407)、偏执因子得分(n t=-5.434)低于全国常模,差异均有统计学意义(均n P<0.01);与江苏省常模比较,除强迫因子外,其余各因子得分均低于常模,差异有统计学意义(n t值分别为-4.508、-7.138、-4.760、-4.541、-8.017、-6.740、-11.881,均n P<0.01);与全国医生常模比较,躯体化(n t=-7.447)、人际关系敏感(n t=-6.483)、抑郁(n t=-7.810)、焦虑(n t=-11.750)、敌对(n t=-7.659)、恐怖(n t=-4.657)、偏执因子得分(n t=-11.075)均明显低于常模,差异具有统计学意义(均n P<0.01);与江苏省医学生常模相比,所有因子均低于常模,且差异具有统计学意义(n t值分别为-2.304、-7.300、-12.049、-8.115、-9.853、-8.374、-5.490、-15.910、-9.059,均n P<0.05)。此外,大专及以下、本科、研究生及以上学员阳性率分别为35.2%(32/91)、13.2%(10/76)、41.7%(5/12),不同学历学员阳性率差异有统计学意义(χ2=11.936,n P<0.05)。n 结论:南京市全科规范化培训学员心理健康水平总体优于与全国常模、江苏省常模、全国医生及江苏省医学生常模。研究生学历学员的心理健康状态较大专学历、本科学历学员差。“,”Objective:To investigate the mental health status of residents in standardized general practice training.Methods:A total 184 residents participating in general practice training in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University were selected for study by cluster random sampling from October 2018 to May 2019. The mental health status of participants was evaluated with symptom check list 90(SCL-90). The results were compared with several norms.Results:The overall positive detection rate of SCL-90 scale was 26.3% among participants. Compared with the national norm the hostile factor score of the study group was higher than that of the norm (n t=4.863), the anxiety(n t=-9.853), fear(n t=-8.407) and paranoia(n t=-5.434)scores were lower than those of the norm (n P<0.05). Compared with the norm of Jiangsu Province in 2009, the scores of all the factors except the forcing factor were lower than those of the norm (n t=-4.508, -7.138, -4.760, -4.541, -8.017, -6.740, -11.881, all n P<0.01). Compared with the norm of national physicians, the somatization(n t=-7.447), interpersonal sensitivity(n t=-6.483), depression(n t=-7.810), anxiety(n t=-11.750), hostility(n t=-7.659), fear(n t=-4.657,) and paranoia(n t=-11.075)scores were all significantly lower than those of the norm (n P<0.01). Compared with the norm of medical students in Jiangsu province, all factors were lower than those of the norm (t=-2.304, -7.300, -12.049, -8.115, -9.853, -8.374, -5.490, -15.910, -9.059, alln P<0.05). Meanwhile, results varied among residents at different educational levels. The positive rate of residents with college level or below, with undergraduate level and graduate level or above were 35.2%(32/91), 13.2%(10/76) and 41.7%(5/12),respectively(χn 2=11.936,n P<0.05).n Conclusion:Compared with the national norm, the national norm of physicians, the norm of Jiangsu Province′s, and the norm of medical students in Jiangsu Province, the mental health of residents in standardized general practice training programs in Nanjing are generally better. The mental health status of the residents with postgraduate education is worse than that of those with college education and undergraduate education.
2002年8月摩根士丹利亚洲首席经济学家谢国忠在一篇名为《Bursting Prop-erty Bubble? (房地产泡沫会破灭吗?)》的英文研究报告指出,由于中国目前资本过剩,高收益率正吸引着
上昆。绍兴路9号。简陋出乎我的想象。  精致的奢靡藏入残破粗陋的墙体,每处风雅的设计在岁月的磨蚀中悄然淡出,冷清空旷的空间和体量呈现出一种苍凉之美。止不住的歌吟回荡在落寞的旧物间隙,时光在变幻莫测的骚动中穿梭。戏文是精雅的,身法是繁复的,而美丽却依旧是寂寞的。脑海里突然闪出一句《皂罗袍》里的词:原来姹紫嫣红开遍,似这般都付与断井残垣,良辰美景奈何天,赏心乐事谁家院……  在楼梯上我看到了当红昆剧小
1.番茄 株形是长方形,节间正常,胚轴长度在2厘米左右,直到第5节节间长度慢慢增加,第5节之后节间近乎等长.茎杆粗细匀称,说明发育正常.这样的苗,叶片为手掌形,叶片厚,叶脉粗壮