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科学技术、社会生活发展过程中,人们发现新事物,遇到新问题,发展新思想时,便需要新的词汇来表达。二十世纪以来,英语语言中出现了大量新词,这些新词是通过不同的构词法产生的,其中的混合词(blends)令人了耳目一新。混合词是把两个词各取一部分混台在一起而产生的新词。“smog”是大家很熟悉的一个混合词,回想我们初见这个词时,几乎没有人觉得它是个生词,在我们还没来得及搞清它是由哪个词的哪部分混合而来之前,就隐隐约约感到它与“烟”与“雾”有关系。当我们把“smoke”和“fog”分别放在它的左右两边时,愈加觉得“smog”这个词从表义、拼写到发音都妙不可言。从表义角度看,它表现了蒙蒙腾腾的烟雾混合体,还能有什么词会比“烟”和“雾”混合在一起的“smog”更准确更生动呢?从拼写和发音看,“smoke”和“fog”中的字母“o”把两个词结合得天衣无缝、难分难解,读起来像一个很自然的音节。从“smog”可以看出来,英语混合词的特点就是:(1)表现力强,(2)结构巧妙自然。这也正是混合词生命力较强的原因。现将近年来使用频率较高的混台词解析如下。 During the development of science and technology and social life, people find new things, encounter new problems and develop new ideas, they need new words to express. Since the twentieth century, a large number of new words have emerged in the English language. These new words are produced through different word formation and the blends are refreshing. A mixed word is a new word that comes from mixing together two parts of a word. “smog ” is a mixture of words that we are all familiar with. Almost no one thought it was a new word when we first saw the word. Before we had a chance to figure out which part of the word it came from, It vaguely felt it with the “smoke” and “fog” have a relationship. When we place “smoke” and “fog” on each of the left and right, we feel that the word “smog ” is more than perfect from spelling and spelling to pronunciation. From the perspective of the senses, it shows a misty mixture of smoke, and what words can be more accurately and vividly mixed with “smog” and “smog”? Spelling and phonetically speaking, the letters “o ” in “smoke ” and “fog ” combine the two words perfectly, indistinctly and read as a natural syllable. As can be seen from the “smog”, English mixed words are characterized by: (1) strong expressiveness, (2) ingenious and natural structure. This is also the reason why mixed words have strong vitality. In recent years, the use of high frequency mixture of lines is as follows.
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The first objects that assume adistinct presence before me,as I look far back, into theblank of my infancy, are mymother with her pretty hair and youthfulshape