
来源 :山东政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huili1012
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华东区的整风运动已经开始了。各省、区、市及直属机关一般都做了整风动员报告,制订了整风计划,建立了整风运动委员会的组织,有的已经开过整风会议,各地党校第一期的整风大部已告结束,地委及县委级的整风运动正在逐级展开,总起来说:运动还处于初期阶段,正在逐步深入开展之中初期的整风运动固然已有若干收获,但运动所表现的弱点却仍然不少.一般的说经过反复动员教育,大多数干部对于此次整风方针,已有较明确的认识,因而也就能够采取正确的态度.而少数干部由于不了解或者不完全了解整风方针,以致不能正确地贯彻整风计划.例如有的干部竟把整 The rectification movement in East China has begun. All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and their subordinate organs generally reported on the rectification and mobilization, formulated the rectification plan, established the organization of the rectification and movement committee, and some of them had already conducted the rectification conference. Most of the rectification work in the first phase of the Party school in all places ended, The rectification movement at the prefectural and county levels is proceeding step by step. Generally speaking, the movement is still in its infancy. Although the rectification movement in the early stages of the rectification campaign has been harvested a bit, there are still many weaknesses in the movement. Generally speaking, after repeated mobilization and education, most cadres already have a clearer understanding of the rectification policy and will be able to adopt a correct attitude. However, a small number of cadres who fail to understand or do not fully understand the rectification policy can not correctly For example, some cadres should rectify the rectification plan