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在温室盆栽条件下,将从玉米中分离的内生真菌Alternaria sp.AS1113、Chaetomium sp.AS1221、Colletotrichum sp.AS1716和Penicillium sp.AS1618回接到玉米幼苗根系,并进行正常水分和干旱胁迫培养处理。结果表明在正常水分和干旱胁迫下,与不接菌对照相比,接种Chaetomium sp.AS1221和Penicillium sp.AS1618显著提高玉米幼苗的株高。与不接菌对照相比,在正常水分下接种4种内生真菌对玉米幼苗的地上、地下和总生物量均无显著影响,而在干旱胁迫下接种Chaetomium sp.AS1221显著提高玉米幼苗的地上生物量,接种Chaetomium sp.AS1221和Penicillium sp.AS1618显著增加玉米幼苗的地下生物量和总生物量。在正常水分和干旱胁迫下,接种Chaetomium sp.AS1221和Penicillium sp.AS1618的玉米幼苗的地上生物量、地下生物量和总生物量均显著高于接种Alternaria sp.AS1113。与不接菌对照相比,在正常水分下接种Alternaria sp.AS1113显著降低玉米幼苗叶的可溶性糖含量,接种Colletotrichum sp.AS1716和Penicillium sp.AS1618显著降低玉米幼苗叶的过氧化物酶(POD)活性,而在干旱胁迫下接种4种内生真菌对玉米幼苗根系和叶的可溶性糖含量和POD活性均无显著影响。结果表明内生真菌Chaetomium sp.AS1221和Penicillium sp.AS1618对促进玉米幼苗的抗旱能力效果好于Alternaria sp.AS1113和Colletotrichum sp.AS1716。 The endophytic fungi Alternaria sp. AS1113, Chaetomium sp. AS1221, Colletotrichum sp. AS1716 and Penicillium sp. AS1618 isolated from maize were returned to the roots of maize seedlings under normal greenhouse conditions and subjected to normal water stress and drought stress . The results showed that inoculation of Chaetomium sp. AS1221 and Penicillium sp. AS1618 significantly increased the plant height of maize seedlings under normal water stress and drought stress. Compared with non-inoculated control, inoculation of 4 endophytic fungi under normal water had no significant effect on the aboveground, underground and total biomass of maize seedlings, whereas inoculation of Chaetomium sp. AS1221 under drought stress significantly increased the aboveground biomass Biomass, inoculation Chaetomium sp. AS1221 and Penicillium sp. AS1618 significantly increased the underground biomass and total biomass of corn seedlings. Under normal water stress and drought stress, the aboveground biomass, underground biomass and total biomass of maize seedlings inoculated with Chaetomium sp. AS1221 and Penicillium sp. AS1618 were significantly higher than that of inoculated Alternaria sp. AS1113. Inoculation of Alternaria sp. AS1113 under normal water stress significantly decreased the soluble sugar content in leaves of maize seedlings. Inoculation of Colletotrichum sp. AS1716 and Penicillium sp. AS1618 significantly reduced peroxidase (POD) However, inoculation of 4 kinds of endophytic fungi under drought stress had no significant effect on soluble sugar content and POD activity in the roots and leaves of maize seedlings. The results showed that the endophytic fungi Chaetomium sp. AS1221 and Penicillium sp. AS1618 were better than Alternaria sp. AS1113 and Colletotrichum sp. AS1716 in promoting drought resistance of maize seedlings.
【正】 “百家爭鳴”这个具有时代性的政策,对科学工作起了极大的推动作用。为什么提出这样的政策?为什么現在才着重提出这样的政策?从一般理論来說,就是为了使学术得到
【正】 邛崃石笋山摩崖造像位于邛崃、大邑两县交界的大同乡(原名大兴乡)大佛沟。这里山势高峻,解放前是邛崃县三坝场(今属大邑县)和大兴场之间往返的必经之地。解放后由于行