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病例报告邓××,女性,3岁,住院号(77年=375)。会阴部有肿块脱出二月余,于1977年1月15日第一次入院,父母述诉二月前患儿小便时有肿块从阴道脱出,色稍红,小便后可回纳,当时未引起重视,近几天来,阴道脱出物不能回纳,送来我院治疗。体格检查:全身情况尚好,营养、发育一般,全身检查未发现异常,会阴道阴部检查发现阴道内有5×4×3厘米菜花状肿块,其右缘与阴道壁相连,切除时伤面渗血较多,缝合后用凡士林纱布填塞压迫止血,外尿道口正常。病理切片诊断:阴道内血管瘤。出院后一月余,患儿小便时从尿道口可见胎盘样组织脱出,时大时小,排尿不畅,伴有尿痛及间隙性血尿。于77年7月27日再次入院。检查可见尿道口有一黑枣大小紫红色可移动的肿块,导尿管不能入膀胱,尿液沿肿瘤溢出,直肠腹壁双合诊:触及盆腔内有肿块。胸透心肺正常。血:血红蛋白44%,白细胞13000,中性84%,淋巴14%,嗜酸性2%。尿蛋白(+),白细胞(+++),红细胞少量。静脉肾盂造影:二侧肾盂积水,右肾功能明显减退,膀胱充盈缺损。1977年8月1日从尿道口脱出肿物一块5×5×7厘米。在全麻下剖腹探查,发现膀胱壁增厚,膀胱内满布肿瘤组织, Case Report Deng × ×, female, 3 years old, hospital number (77 years = 375). Perineal lumps prolapse more than February, January 15, 1977 the first admission, parents complained of urination in February when the child had a lump from the vagina, color slightly red, after urination can be recalled, did not cause at that time Attention, in recent days, vaginal prolapse can not return satisfied, sent to our hospital for treatment. Physical examination: the body condition is still good, nutrition, general development, body examination found no abnormalities, vaginal genital examination found vaginal within 5 × 4 × 3 cm cauliflower-like mass, the right edge of the wall connected with the vagina, wound surface bleeding More suture with vaseline gauze to stop bleeding, external urethra normal. Pathological diagnosis: intravaginal hemangioma. More than a month after discharge from the urethra in children with urinary tract visible placental tissue prolapse, when the big small, poor urination, accompanied by dysuria and interstitial hematuria. July 27, 77 again admitted to hospital. Check the urethra can be seen a jujube size magenta removable mass, the catheter can not enter the bladder, urine overflow along the tumor, abdominal rectal biopsy: touch pelvic mass. Chest heart and lung normal. Blood: 44% of hemoglobin, 13,000% of leukocytes, 84% of neutral, 14% of lymph and 2% of eosinophilicity. Urinary protein (+), white blood cells (+++), a small amount of red blood cells. Intravenous pyelography: bilateral hydronephrosis, right renal function decreased significantly, bladder filling defect. August 1, 1977 from the urethral orifice prolapse a 5 × 5 × 7 cm. Under general anesthesia exploratory laparotomy and found that the bladder wall thickening, bladder full of tumor tissue,
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我院泌尿外科在78—79两年内共诊治3例重复肾,1例双侧重复,2例左侧重复。其中2例施行手术治愈,1例对症治疗好转,现报告于后: 例一、李××,女,10岁,患儿自幼尿液滴沥不尽,间
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关于肾脏和输尿管疾病的体外手术有几个名称:活体外手术(exvivo surgery),台式手术(bench sur-gery),工作台手术(workbench surgery)和离原位手术(ex situ surgery)。将罹病