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雲南政(一)雲南封建勢力,在解放後已受到一些削弱,中心地區的土匪,基本上已肅清。但地主階級在鄉村中,尚佔有相當的優勢,尚把持和操縱村政權與農會,眼見得減租退押以至土改乃大勢所趨,勢在必行,竟不規規矩矩地投降人民,反在垂死之前作最後掙扎。住在昆明市的一個永仁縣楊姓地主,在省農代會開會期間,把每天雲南日報上有關農代會的消息,用紅筆勾出,寄給家鄉的地主,並寫信說:“今天農民有共產黨、解放軍和人民政府撐腰,我們沒有靠山,地主就是罪惡,我們只有靠自己幹了。”省農代會後,地主階級已普遍在各地向農民進攻,表現在:一、在政治上,利用反動會門,勾結特務,散播變天思想,製造種種謠言,搞合法鬥爭。楚雄縣西雲鄉地主偽造民意,控訴該鄉村聯主席,在控訴大會上,只有地主及其家屬發言,農民只是舉舉手;又楚雄縣訓班清廉鄉學員鄭國彬回家後,地主即擺佈女流氓偷他的包穀,他往制止,就誣他強姦,地主及狗腿子數人,馬上把他送到公安局派出所,並開會鬥爭。二、在經濟上,普遍是奪佃、搶收租穀、逼索舊債、分散財產、轉移及隱瞞財產、假分家、降低成份,以抵抗合理負担,抵抗減租退押,還有破壞水利、砍伐森林、宰殺耕畜、大吃大喝、浪費國家財富等。三、組織土匪叛亂,暗殺農民幹部及積極分子,請農民吃飯,訂雙保險合同,用美人計陰謀軟化收買農民。雲南農民在徵粮工作中的帶頭繳粮,在剿匪工作中的積極協助,這證明他們已有相當的覺悟;特別在八月間經過省農代會、有些縣區農代會和農訓班後,有不少的農民代表和積極分子,不分日夜、不計疲勞地在農村宣傳鼓動,並展開了反奪佃、反搶收租穀等鬥爭。但由於這些力量尚未很好地組織起來,因此形成各自爲戰的狀態。至於廣大農民羣眾,則迫切地要求評產、擠黑、合理負担,要求清匪、反霸、减租、退押,反對地主非法奪佃、逼索舊債、反對地主搶收租穀、預收表苗。目前農民代表的積極活動,正反映了廣大農民的迫切要求。但不可否認地,有些農民思想上存在着種種顧慮,因些還未普遍地覺悟到自己動手 Yunnan Administration 1. The feudal forces in Yunnan Province have been somewhat weakened after the liberation. The bandits in the central area have basically been eliminated. However, as the landlord class still possesses considerable advantages in the rural areas, it still has the power to hold and control the village government and the peasant association. It is imperative that the landlords should reduce their rents and retired so that the land reform can not but surrender to the people. Before the final struggle. Yang Yongren, a landowner who lives in Yongren County, Kunming, during the meeting of the Provincial Peasants’ Congress held every day Yunnan Daily News about the Peasant Association, with a red pen and sent it to the landlord in his hometown. He wrote: “Today’s peasants have the support of the Communist Party, the People’s Liberation Army and the people’s government. We have no backing and the landowners are guilty. We have to work on our own.” After the Provincial Agricultural Congress, the landlord class has generally attacked the peasants all over the country. In politics, they have used the reactionary reactionary secretaries to collude with secret agents, disseminate ideas that change their minds, make rumors of various kinds and engage in lawful struggles. In the complaint meeting, only the landlords and their families spoke and the peasants just raised their hands; and after Zheng Guobin, a student of the Chuxiong County training class and a clean village, returned home, the landowner was the mother of the couple Rogue stole his Valley, he stopped, falsely accused him of rape, landlords and doglegs, and immediately sent him to the police station police station and meeting to fight. Second, in the economy, it is common to take away tenants and seize rent valleys. They are forced to claim old debts, disperse their property, transfer and conceal their property, cut off their families and reduce their composition so as to resist the reasonable burden, resist rent reduction and repossession, and damage water conservancy , Deforestation, slaughtering livestock, eating and drinking, wasting national wealth. Third, organize bandit rebellion, assassinate peasants and cadres and activists, ask peasants to eat meals, order double insurance contracts, and use beauty plans to soften and buy peasants. Yunnan farmers in the work of requisitioning food take the lead in food, in the work of suppressing bandits in the active assistance, which proves that they have considerable consciousness; especially in August through the Provincial Agricultural Association, some county and township agricultural development and agricultural training class After many peasant representatives and activists, regardless of day and night, regardless of fatigue propaganda and agitation in rural areas, and launched a struggle against tenancy, anti-looting levied harvest. However, since these forces have not been properly organized, they are fighting against each other. As for the masses of peasants, we urgently demand assessment, congestion and reasonable burdens. We demand that the Qinghai-Tibetans, the hegemonists, the rent reduction and the detention be rescued, that the landlords illegally resort to tenure, press for old debts, and oppose the landlords’ seedling. At present, the active activities of peasant representatives reflect the urgent demands of the vast number of peasants. However, it is undeniable that some peasants have various ideological concerns because they have not yet become generally aware of what they are doing
1 开发利用水资源存在的主要问题1.1 资源性缺水和工程性缺水并存黄河沿岸,人口集中,经济发展迅速,水资源需求较大,供需矛盾突出。市区和大型企业集中开采、过量开采地下水,
一、學校教育工作 (一)初步的整理與改革解放初期,文教接管委員會在軍管會總的領導下遵照新區接管時期對學校採取維持原校加以必要的和可能的改革的方針,除政治上反動的極少