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随着中小学校长专业化的发展,校长培训也日益精细化、专业化,这要求我们在校长培训中无论采用任何一种模式,都需要作一番精心的研究,对模式的思想理论基础、预期目标、理论与具体方法的有机结合、实施步骤、预测效果等都要作明确的说明,这也是中小学校长培训专业化的必然要求。同时,新任校长时期是校长专业发展的关键时期,是其从管理者转变为领导者的重要阶段,岗位角色的转变要求其知识基础作出相应的调整。对于新任校长来说,他们虽具有某一领域的管理经验与能力,但缺乏全面管理学校的知识与经验;他们虽懂得管理的技能和方法,但还缺少成为一名称职、优秀校长的领导艺术。因此,对中小学新任校长培训模式的研究,既是对中小学校长培训专业化的理性思考,也是对如何进行有针对性的新任校长培训的实践探索。 With the development of the professional development of primary and secondary school principals, the training of principals is increasingly refined and specialized. This requires us to carry out any careful study in the training of principals regardless of whether they adopt any model or not. We must make some careful studies on the ideological and theoretical basis of the model, Expected goals, the combination of theory and concrete methods, implementation steps, forecasting effects should all be clearly described. This is also an inevitable requirement for the training of primary and secondary school principals. At the same time, the new principal period is a crucial period for the principal’s professional development and an important phase from the manager to the leader. The change of the role of position requires that the knowledge base should be adjusted accordingly. For the newly appointed principals, they have the management experience and ability in a certain field. However, they lack the knowledge and experience of overall management of the schools. Although they have acquired the skills and methods of management, they lack the leadership skills to become a competent and competent principal . Therefore, the study of the new principals training model for primary and secondary schools is not only a rational reflection on the professional training of primary and secondary school principals, but also a practical exploration on how to carry out the targeted new principal training.
根据康宁的数据显示 ,1999年 ,全世界对光纤的需求比上一年增加了 35% ,在光子学领域增幅更大 ,比1998年增长 6 0 %。未来的前景是光明的 ,预计在 2 0 0 0年将以 30 %的幅度
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据悉 ,今年 10月 2 5日 ,信息产业部下发了“关于贯彻实施《电信条例》的通知”。为了使各省、自治区、直辖市电信管理机械和各电信业务经营者对电信条例的实施引起高度重视
西宁市会计学会最近正式成立,选举产生了第一届理事会理事,决定出版内部刊物——《西宁财会》,安排了1981年第四季度和1982年的工作任务。目前,市属县级 Recently, the Xin