
来源 :当代电视 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:studyrec
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当历史进入21世纪之初,当代中国的掸视业由于无蠠簫訍蠠祫栈簭陡扯蠔翄从謵央到地方的频道专业化趋势。专业频道的出现,又引嗮了电视新闻的专业愒、定向性、服务性的细密化倾向,这既是新时期科学技术日趋细密的必然发展,也适应了社会和人群对专业性佀解的需求。当然,这又是电视葖,特别是电视新闻工作者的一个新课题。对此,我提出需要注意几个方面的思考:一、严肃的导向意识电视频道专业化后,新闻将趋向细致的分工,走向专业的领地,面向特定的收视群体,新闻的范围和内堓愇娊都将发生很大的变化,但千变万变,正确的政治导向不能变,新闻作为党和人帽祫工具喉舌祫性謯不能变,惵幣挭幀护党和国家民族的根本利益、要宣传党和国家的路线方针政策的功能不能变。在这一点上,一定要保持清醒的头脑。千万不要让国家訍关方面多次批评的“大报管导向,小报管市场”的报界错误倾向传染到我们电视行业里来。 As history entered the beginning of the 21st century, contemporary Chinese film industry saw a specialization in the channelization of oyster films from Kuomintang to local places due to the lack of knowledge of the media industry. The advent of professional channels has also drawn the attention of television news professionals in their tendency of becoming more and more targeted and service-oriented. This not only is a necessary and certain development of increasingly close sci-tech progress in the new era, but also meets the needs of the community and the masses for professional solutions . Of course, this is another new issue for television journalists, especially television journalists. In this regard, I put forward the need to pay attention to several aspects: First, a serious sense of orientation TV channel specialization, the news will be closer to the division of labor, to a professional territory, for a specific audience groups, the scope of news and internal affairs However, with the ever-changing political landscape, the correct political orientation can not change. The news can not be changed as a tool for the party and the government. The basic interests of the party and the nation as a whole should not be changed. The functions of the guidelines and policies of propaganda of the party and state can not be changed. At this point, be sure to keep a clear head. We must not allow the mistakes in the press circles of “big newspaper-oriented and tabloid market” repeatedly criticized by the country concerned to spread to our television industry.
瑞士科学家近日说 ,把黄水仙等植物的基因植入水稻可以提高大米的营养价值 ,从而可以帮助千百万人防止贫血和失明。在实验室中育成这种基因改良水稻的瑞士科学家说 ,这种基因
本刊讯 :为了贯彻落实《中共中央、国务院关于做好2000年农业和农村工作的意见》精神 ,调整和优化农业生产结构 ,引导广大农民扩大种植优质品种 ,压缩滞销农产品的生产 ,全面优化
省去育秧、拔秧、移栽等繁琐环节 ,播种1亩水田仅需2分钟 ,效率比传统插种提高20倍 ,比机械直播每亩可节省工本费150元 ,投资仅是一台机械直播机的1/20。这就是今年浙江首创的水稻喷直播