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新编小学语文教材安排了三类课文,其中讲读课文(包括看图学文)是教材中最重要的部分。明确讲读课文的性质,弄清和掌握讲读课文的基本教法,对于提高小学语文教学的质量有十分重要的意义。讲读课文(尤其是重点讲读课文)亦称中心课文、示范课文,是需要精讲精读的教材。教好讲读课文,应注意掌握好以下几点:一、依据《大纲》和教学参考书的有关说明,明确课文在本单元的地位、作用和教学重点,弄清这篇课文的目的要求。比如六年制小学课本中《飞夺泸定桥》一文,根据《大纲》“培养有重点的观察周围事物的能力,能抓住事物的主要特点、了解事物之间的联系”的要求和“教参”中对第三组课文提出应着重训练“要按事情发展的顺序写,具体叙述时要突出重点”的说明,在教学中就应突出“学习本课按照事情的发展顺序,突出重点写具体的记叙方法”这个重点,而其他教学要求,如“给课文分段,写出各段的段落大意”等,则应在搞好此重点训练项目的基础上相应加以解决。 There are three types of texts arranged in the new primary school language teaching materials, among which the most important part of the teaching materials is reading texts (including reading the texts). Clearly reading the nature of the text, to understand and master the basic teaching methods to read the text, for improving the quality of primary language teaching is of great significance. Reading texts (especially key reading texts), also known as the center of the text, model texts, is the need for concise textbook. Teach textbooks, should pay attention to grasp the following points: First, based on the “outline” and teaching reference book instructions, a clear text in the unit's status, role and focus of teaching to clarify the purpose of this article requirements. For example, in the six-year primary school textbook, “Fei Lu Lu Bridge”, according to the “outline” “training focused on the ability to observe the surrounding things, can grasp the main features of things, understand the relationship between things ” requirement And “teaching reference” in the third group of texts should be focused on training “according to the order of development to write, the specific narrative to highlight the key” in the teaching should be highlighted “learning this lesson in accordance with The order of the development of things, focusing on writing a specific method of narrative ”This focus, and other teaching requirements, such as “ paragraph to the text, write the paragraph paragraphs of the meaning of ”, etc., should do a good job in this key training project On the basis of the corresponding to be resolved.
本文论述了奉国寺沿革与山门的创建年代,阐明了奉国寺山门的复原依据,以此为依据确定了奉国寺山门的基本形制,并对其进行了复原设计分析。 This article discusses the evol
:在素质教育推广的今天 ,作文教学必须让学生深入生活 ,扩大阅读 ,充分调动学生的主观能动性 ,使学生的作文内容不断充实 ,知识不断积累 : In the promotion of quality edu