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近年来,我国各主要大白菜产区都受到不同程度“干烧心”病的为害.据1982年统计,一般发病率在30~50%,严重的达80~100%.我市推广“青杂三号”、“青杂五号”品种以来,也出现了“干烧心”病为害问题.一般发病率在10%,重者达70~80%.也成为我市大白菜生产的急待解决问题.自1980年以来我们进行“干烧心”病发病原因的调查及防治措施的研究,初步认为:适量用肥并在莲座后期保持土壤湿润,对防治“干烧心”病的效果良好.种在砂质土壤上的大白菜,在水、肥适量基础上喷0.5%氯化钙也有显著的防干烧病效. In recent years, all major Chinese cabbage producing areas have been harmed by different degrees of “heartburn.” According to the statistics of 1982, the general incidence rate is between 30 and 50% and the severity reaches 80 to 100% No.3 “and” Qingza No.5 “varieties, the problem of” heartburn “disease has also appeared, with a general incidence rate of 10% and a weight of 70-80%, which has also become an urgent need for the production of Chinese cabbage Problems Since 1980, we conducted a survey on the causes of ”heartburn“ disease and preliminary studies on the prevention and cure measures. It is preliminarily believed that the proper amount of fertilizer and keeping the soil moist in the later stage of rosette are effective in preventing and curing ”heartburn" disease. Chinese cabbage on sandy soil, spraying 0.5% calcium chloride on the basis of appropriate amount of water and fertilizer also has significant anti-dry effect.
大戟属植物 Euphorbia portlandica L.广泛分布于葡萄牙沿海地区。作者从该植物中分得1个新的假白榄烷(jatrophane)型四环二萜多酯 portlandicine(1)和4个已知化合物。由于
病原菌好气,革兰氏阳性,不形成孢子,不运动,杆状,0.5-0.9×1.5-4微米,以单个出现,偶然成对,很少呈短链。细胞时常排列在“V”状的三角形内或栅栏 Pathogenic bacteria gas,
作者从冬青叶美登木 Maytenus ilicifoliaMart ex Reissek 叶中分离得到4个新的三萜化合物,研究了它们的细胞毒活性。该植物叶的甲醇提取物以乙酸乙酯和水分配萃取,乙酸乙酯
1981年在葡萄上进行了喷施三十烷醇的试验。供试品种为3年生“贵人香”,分0.1、0.5ppm 两个喷施浓度,以清水为对照。每处理五株。于6日30日,浆果膨大时喷施。8月中旬调查架
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近十多年来,世界各国越来越重视保护自然界的生态平衡。基于同样的原因,在农业方面,“有害生物的综合治理”(简称IPM),无论在理论上或实践上都逐渐为更多的人所 In the pas
关于美国加州在1980年6月发现地中海实蝇以及他们发动了一次围剿实蝇的战役一事,本刊曾于1981年第3期和第4期上有所报导。 In connection with the discovery by the Unite