
来源 :北京体育大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bleachff
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全民健身项目是政府投入的准公共物品,目前存在着短缺与闲置的双重问题。从生命价值的视角,提出一个全民健身项目的决策模型。通过对健身项目的投入与生命价值产出之间的对比分析,决定是否进行一项健身项目的建设,以解决我国全民健身工程投入资源不足、投资效率不高的状况,同时有助于我国建立一个科学的全民健身体系。 National fitness program is a government-funded quasi-public goods, there are two shortages and idle problems. From the perspective of life value, this paper proposes a decision-making model of a nationwide fitness program. Through the comparative analysis between the investment of the fitness project and the value and output of life, it is decided whether to carry out the construction of a fitness project so as to solve the problem of inadequate investment and inefficient investment in the nationwide fitness program, and to help establish China A scientific national fitness system.