
来源 :西安交通大学学报(医学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:javapages
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①本文初步报导了陕西关中、陕北地区的啮齿动物体外恙螨幼虫种类的调查及鉴定结果。结果表明:在所捕获的272只恙螨中,共有15个种,分别隶属于恙螨科中的2个亚科7个属。其中须恙螨仅发现于关中地区,且为优势种。本研究注意到恙螨种类分布与地形地貌关系,并作了初步讨论。②本文还探讨了啮齿动物宿主与恙螨的关系。资料表明,被恙螨寄生的8种啮齿动物,小家鼠与黑线姬鼠为优势种,且均恙螨的主要宿主。③本文试图探讨恙螨与流行性出热的关系。仅就所获恙螨区系资料表明:虽然须恙螨仅分布于疫区,但迄今尚无病原学证据,故难作出评价,二者的关系不十分清楚。 ①In this paper, we initially reported the investigation and identification of chigger mite larvae in rodents in Guanzhong and northern Shaanxi. The results showed that there were 15 species of 272 chiggers captured, belonging to 2 genera and 7 genera, respectively. Among them, chigger mites were only found in Guanzhong area, and were the dominant species. In this study, we noticed the relationship between the distribution of chigger mites and the topography, and made a preliminary discussion. ② This article also discusses the relationship between rodent hosts and chigger mites. Data show that the parasitic chigger mites 8 species of rodents, Mus musculus and Apodemus is the dominant species, and are the main host of chigger mites. ③ This article attempts to explore the relationship between chigger mites and epidemic fever. Only the chigger mites obtained data show that: Although the chigger mites are only distributed in the affected areas, but so far no evidence of etiology, it is difficult to make an assessment of the relationship between the two is not very clear.
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  患者女性,22岁.反复晕厥10年.心脏结构正常.电解质正常.血钾4.31 mmol/L.心电监护示多形室早、尖端扭转性室性心动过速,QT延长,给予补钾、镁、利多卡因、美托洛尔及异丙
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