Two Nickel(Ⅱ) Complexes Constructed by Novel Bis(3-methoxy-2-pyridyl)ether-6,6′-dicarboxylic Acid Li

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Under given conditions, two complexes of [Ni(H2O)2BEDA]·2H2O 1 and [Ni(Py)2-BEDA]·6H2O 2 (BEDA = bis(3-methoxy-2-pyridyl)ether-6,6′-dicarboxylic acid) have been synthe-sized and characterized by elemental analysis and X-ray single-crystal diffraction. Crystal data for 1: C14H18NiN2O11, monoclinic C2/c, a = 14.3844(17), b = 12.9900(15), c = 9.6309(11), β = 104.3350(10)°, V = 1743.5(4)3, Z = 4, Dc = 1.711 g/cm3, F(000) = 928, μ = 1.179 mm-1, Mr = 449.01, the final R = 0.0228 and wR = 0.0625. Crystal data for 2: C24H32NiN4O13, triclinic P1, a = 9.423(2), b = 11.863(3), c = 13.089(3), α = 91.511(3), β = 92.465(3), γ = 100.696(2)°, V = 1435.6(6)3, Z = 2, Dc = 1.488 g/cm3, F(000) = 672, μ = 0.748 mm-1, Mr = 643.25, the final R = 0.0400 and wR = 0.0975. Interestingly, in the two complexes, lattice water molecules dominate its crystal structures. Therefore, extensive intermolecular hydrogen bonds assemble 1 and 2 into 2D extended sheets and a 3D open framework, respectively. Furthermore, water molecules present in 2 are associated to form water clusters. Under given conditions, two complexes of [Ni (H2O) 2BEDA] · 2H2O 1 and [Ni (Py) 2-BEDA] · 6H2O 2 (BEDA = Crystal data for 1: C14H18NiN2O11, monoclinic C2 / c, a = 14.3844 (17), b = 12.9900 (15), c = 9.6309 11, β = 104.3350 (10) °, V = 1743.5 (4) 3, Z = 4, Dc = 1.711 g / cm3, F (000) = 928, μ = 1.179 mm-1, Mr = 449.01, the final R = 0.0228 and wR = 0.0625. Crystal data for 2: C24H32NiN4O13, triclinic P1, a = 9.423 (2), b = 11.863 (3), c = 13.089 , β = 92.465 (3), γ = 100.696 (2) °, V = 1435.6 (6) 3, Z = 2 and Dc = 1.488 g / cm3. Mr = 643.25, the final R = 0.0400 and wR = 0.0975. Interestingly, in the two complexes, lattice water molecules dominate its crystal structures. Thus, extensive intermolecular hydrogen bonds assemble 1 and 2 into 2D extended sheets and a 3D open framework, respecti vely. Furthermore, water molecules present in 2 are associated to form water clusters.
目的 观察紫杉醇加顺铂联合化疗对晚期鼻咽癌的客观疗效及毒副作用。方法 采用紫杉醇175 mg/m /d1+顺铂30 mg/d1~5化疗,每3周重复,连续2 个周期诱导化疗晚期(Ⅲ、Ⅳ期)鼻咽
孔另境长女、现代文学研究者孔海珠女士的新作《霜重色愈浓·孔另境》于2010年1月出版。该书从女儿的视角记叙了作家、出版家、文史学家孔另境坎坷而不平凡的一生。 Kong Ko
乡里人说我是精神病我叫李大勇,是江西省大余县池江乡人,今年35岁。我的家乡很穷,我很想发家致富。2000年初,我看了很多报纸杂志,收集了很多各地的信息,最后决定养苍蝇。 M