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中南各地的教育工作,自全区解放以来,是有很大成绩的。据不完全统计,中南区共有大专学校三十多所,学生二万八千余人;中等学校一千余所,学生二十八万余人;小学两万二千余所,学生二百三十万人。根据有步骤地而又谨慎地进行改革的方针,这些学校都经过了初步的整顿,改革了若干课程,普遍进行了政治思想教育,特别前一时期大中学生和教师对于革命人生观的学习和目前对于土地改革的学习,都有重大的收获。这些成绩,正是中国人民在思想战线上的胜利,而这一胜利又是中国人民革命的伟大胜利在思想意识上的反映。我们应该宝贵这些成绩,以这些成绩为基础,继续稳步前进,达到实现共同纲领中关于文教政策全部规定的目标。大家知道,共同纲领第四十一条曾規定:『中华人民共和国的文化教育为新民主主义的、即民族的、科学的、大众的文化教育。人民政府的文化教育工作,应以提高人民文化水平、培养国家建设人才、肃清封建的、买办的、法西斯主义的思想,发展为人民服务的思想為主要任务。』这就是说,我们的国家,已由半殖民地半封建国家,变成了一个独立、民主、和平、统一的新民主主义国家,国家和社会的性质即有了如此根本的改 Since the liberation of the entire district, there have been great achievements in education in all areas of central and southern China. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 30 tertiary colleges and over 28,000 students in Central South District; over 1,000 secondary schools and more than 280,000 students; 22,000 primary schools and 213 students One hundred thousand people. In accordance with the principle of systematic and careful reform, these schools have undergone initial rectification, have reformed a number of curricula and conducted political and ideological education in general. In particular, the study and present history of the revolutionary outlook on life by students and teachers in the previous period For the study of land reform, there have been significant gains. These achievements are just the victory of the Chinese people on the ideological front. This victory is yet another reflection of the ideological consciousness of the great victory of the Chinese people’s revolution. Based on these achievements, we should continue to make steady progress and achieve the goal of realizing all the provisions in the common program on cultural and educational policies. As we all know, Article 41 of the Common Program stipulates: "The cultural and educational education in the People’s Republic of China is a new-democratic one, namely a national, scientific and mass cultural education. The cultural and educational work of the people’s government should be based on raising the people’s cultural level, training the nation in building up qualified personnel, eliminating feudal, comprador, fascist and developing the idea of ​​serving the people. That is to say, our country has been transformed from a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country into an independent, democratic, peaceful and unified new-democratic country, and the nature of the state and society has brought about such fundamental changes
郝国忱是我的老师 ,每次见到他我总要莫名地想起那些奖章挂满了一胸脯子的老军人、老英雄。其实郝国忱的奖章如果都别在胸前 ,那可不是一胸脯子的事儿 ,可能是两胸脯子、三胸